Cam and June

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{ This chapter is a commission, and only features one of my boys, Cameron. The other boy featured in this story is June, her OC. Go check him out at }

Cam and June had met on a whim. They shared the same history class, but neither ever payed attention. Cam was quiet, always playing video games by himself, while June was an outgoing social butterfly. They were complete opposites, but strange enough, found common ground in their love for breaking wind. Their playful cropdusting spurred full on fart competitions...which they both found equally arousing. So arousing, in fact, that they started to make a habit of participating in fart-centric sexual antics. Every so often, Cam would message June a time and date to come to the mansion that he shared with his seven friends (he was much more comfortable with text than actually, ya know, speaking), and he'd be there on the double. This was just how it worked for the two of them, but today, June would soon learn, would open up a brand new door...

June lay on Cam's bed, freshly showered, and only in his tight purple briefs. His cleanliness was a stark contrast to the biohazard of a room he was currently occupying. God, it reeked like a trash compactor in there, and it was obvious that no effort was made to clean up beforehand. Half empty bottles, forks, dirty laundry, an old sandwich...In such a beautiful, well taken care of mansion, this heinous space stuck out like a sore thumb. It wasn't like June minded all that much though. He knew that was just how Cam kept his space, and he was pretty laid back sort of guy to boot; No judgement here.

His heartbeat quickened when he heard the shower stop, and he scurried to lay himself bare in a sexier position. It was their first time going...all the way. June was excited, but also wanted to make a good first impression. He could hear wet footsteps and clothing shuffling, then finally, the door opening.

Cam stood there in his six foot glory. His hair was wet (couldn't be assed to dry it), and his "fresh" clothes looked dirty and well worn (couldn't be assed to wash any new ones). He smirked at June, who was leaning up against the headrest with spread legs to show off the stout bulge in his undies. 

"Mm~ don'tcha just look like a tall drink of water?~", he asked, obviously aroused at the sight of this nasty shut in.

Cameron's ego swelled a bit at that, and he responded aptly by pointing at the floor. June looked delicious right where he was, but he wanted him on the ground for now~ Giddy, June plopped down on the crunchy carpet like an obedient puppy dog, sitting tall on his knees at Cam's feet. Fuck, Cam loved it. He loved making people do what he wanted, being submitted to. And such a cute guy like June being the one to do it was twice as nice.

Now half erect, he gave June a fitting reward, mussing up his fluffy purple hair. He pet him for a few seconds, then sat himself down on his bed. With a grin, he stuck out his foot, tapping June's cheek with it.

"Mm~ Okay~ Starting with some foot play, are we?", June teased, despite being the one on the submissive end.

Cameron rolled his eyes, taking the opportunity to shove his bare toes in the yappy mouth. 


June's eyes lulled back, and his cheeks bulged out as he began to do his duty as a slave and suck. Despite being freshly showered, Cam's feet still didn't taste particularly clean. They weren't filthy per sé...but his toenails especially had a sour bitey taste. June didn't mind any of this though; the humiliation only serving to arouse him more.

As Cam pulled his toes from June's maw, a sticky trail of saliva dribbled onto the already dingy carpet. He then pushed the sole up against his lips, which was obviously in great need of cleaning as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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