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Main: Akira- She/ her; age: 18+ (I don't know what age to write, lol)}

· Silver-purple hair

· Purple Eyes

Kakashi, age: 26

NOTE: I'm not actually planning on writing this but my brain did some exhibition and here I'm posting this... I actually first plan to write this as just someone's pov, where is the character's appearance is up to you. But I thought I could just use Akira(OC) as the character and make it as an alternative universe. I don't know, but I think I might start to write one-shots au's between them; OCxKakashi. 

Third Person's POV:

She hums as she walks the wide corridor. She remains clutching her books in her arms, aware of all the stare she is getting.

She can see in her peripheral view all the students trying to get her attention, but she keeps her head looking forward, not even trying to look or give them a smile. Even if she does that, they know. They know her, she isn't someone who always talk. Only talking to someone she is close to.

The students continue to get her attention. Trying to impress her, trying to get notice. It confuses her somehow...Nothing special about her...

She has her own world. Her own world that really impossible to happen, something even when she calls for all the lucky stars, will never happen.

She raises her brow to no one in particular, thinking how helpless she is. She can feel it in her heart but she will ignore it. It's not really that important.


She just looks at them as they tease her. Loud chattering can be heard in the cafeteria. She is seated with her classmates, next to the loud mouth yellow haired boy; Uzumaki Naruto, her best friend.

Naruto looks at her, raising his brow, teasing.

She raises her brow, offended. "What do you think of me, a scaredy cat?" She said crossing her arms, leaning on the sofa.

"Well, yes...It's a simple dare you can't do..." Sakura said raising her brow suggestively.

Her brow twitches, she sighs and closes her eyes. "Okay, fine." She finally said as they give her a grin. Knowing full-well that she can do it, without difficulty, that's how she is. That's how good she can hide and pretend.

It's a dare that may cause her so much, a dare that they all know 'might' be a mistake and cause them trouble, knowing the situation...

"Go for it-dattebayo" Naruto said when Akira stands up gathering her stuffs.

"Troublesome...we needed proof" Shikamaru said resting his head on his hand, looking at her with a smirk.

Akira's shoulder drop "Okay...Just wait here" She said as they gave her a smile.

Once she walks out the cafeteria "You guys, sure about this?" Sasuke ask, holding Sakura's hand.

They all raise their brows, thinking. "Maybe... Don't worry she can do it, it's a simple teasing." Ino said with a smirk.

It's wrong, but it's the only way. How far can Akira lean on the walls that's trapping her?

"...but it's him" Sasuke said with uncertainty.

She sighs, thinking. It's a dare, a simple 'teasing'.

"Yeah, right, a simple one..." She said dragging her feet to the place where he is. She looks down her uniform, getting nervous all of a sudden.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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