chapter one

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Natalia Rhodes was a part of Enola Holmes' sixteenth birthday surprise, planned by Enola's mother

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Natalia Rhodes was a part of Enola Holmes' sixteenth birthday surprise, planned by Enola's mother. However, neither girl knew what Eudoria Holmes had truly been planning, and so the same night that Natalia arrives — Eudoria disappears.

Natalia cannot comprehend why. Eudoria loved the girl, raising her to be a lady of the future. A warrior and a genius. Enola is like a sister to Natalia, someone she'd fiercely fight for. The only thing that makes sense to Natalia about this whole ordeal, is that Eudoria made sure Natalia was there.

Enola is not an ordinary child, the exact opposite in fact. A girl with a mind like her brother's and a brilliance like her mother's. She had never known her father, or Mycroft. Enola had only known Sherlock for a few years as a child. Then all she had was her mother.

Now she doesn't have anyone.

Natalia tries to convince the girl that isn't so. She sends off a telegram to Mycroft's government office, hoping that he would be the only Holmes that she would have to interact with.

A week later and that would prove not to be so.

A telegram arrives from the oldest Holmes brother, directing that a carriage should be sent for the two Holmes arriving at the train station the next day.

Natalia planned to send for her family's carriage from their estate and travel with Enola to the station... Enola, however, had a different plan.

"This girl!" Natalia groans, slumping in the seat of her family's countryside carriage. The driver looks back at her with a side-eye, but Natalia doesn't care what he thinks.

The truth is, Enola is brilliant, but not in a "society" type manner. Natalia had woken up that morning to find Enola missing alongside the bicycle kept in the hallway. She knew immediately what the girl had done. Natalia is exasperated nonetheless, this is about to make collecting Mycroft and Sherlock so much more awkward.

The carriage approaches the train station just as the train comes to a complete stop. Natalia clasps her hands together, taking a heavy breath before getting out of the carriage.

It might be almost two years since their unofficial engagement was called off. Except Natalia hasn't seen Sherlock in person in nearly three years. The two had shared letters occasionally while he was away, but as their correspondence became lost to cases and time, so had their closeness. And eventually, his silence in return to her letters led to the end of what they could have been.

Her nerves are a bundle of anxious energy as she tries not to pass out while she walks through the crowd to find the Holmes siblings. She knows that the three are unmistakable in a crowd.

Then she sees them.

Sees him.

And it's too late to run as his eyes find hers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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