The bond in the sewer

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Eddie knocked at the door, he did not want to be here, but he needed help. Thanks to his symbiote, he could hear the footsteps on the other end of the door getting closer, then the door opened. Eddie didn't get a warm welcome, he didn't even get a welcome at all.

"What do you want?" said Peter. Eddie could see Peter's dissatisfaction on his face.

"We need to talk. So, can I come in?" Eddie asked. He was hoping that he didn't waste his time coming here.

Peter gave out a frustrating sigh, then he opened the door for Eddie. Eddie walked inside the apartment and then closed the door. Eddie was shocked how messy Peter's apartment was, Peter probably saw on his face what he was thinking as he said, "yeah i know it's messy, it has been a stressful month. Okay."

"Yes. I see." Eddie said to Peter, but more to himself. "So let's get to the point. You've probably heard about the symbiotes attacks that have been occurring lately?" Eddie asked. Peter was doing something in his small kitchen, "Yeah, I have. I even have tried to find those damn symbiotes, what were their names again?" Eddie heard him say. "Scream, Lasher, Phage, Agony, and Riot." Eddie answered Peter. "Yeah, those are the ones. Dumb names." Peter said as it seemed to Eddie that he was making himself a sandwich.

"They may have dumb names but they are still dangerous. They have killed at least 40 people when they started their symbiote hunting." Eddie said.

"Ahhh, so there's symbiote bounty hunters in town." Peter said jokingly as he kept on making his sandwich.

"Somewhat like that I guess. Their goal is to kill the venom symbiote, the carnage symbiote, probably also Cassidy, and kill my anti-venom symbiote." Eddie said as he sat down on Peter's dusty sofa.

"Their goal seems pretty reasonable to me, I mean who doesn't want those damn symbiotes dead." Peter said.

"Are you---"

"I was joking, go on." Peter said as he walked over to Eddie, he dragged a chair with him from the kitchen and sat on it in front of Eddie. He took a bite of his sandwich and spat it out straight away. "God dammit!" Peter shouted. "The cheese was expired."

Eddie watched Peter drop the sandwich onto the floor. "Peter, listen." Eddie said. "I need your help with taking down the five symbiotes, only god knows how many more they will kill if they're not stopped."

"You know Eddie, I don't really like working with you." Peter said, he looked disappointed that he had nothing to eat.

"Same goes here, but this is like carnage. By ourselves we don't stand a chance against carnage, but together we have. I can't truly say if these five symbiotes are more dangerous than carnage, but I believe that you and I wouldn't be able to take them down if we were on our own. So we need to team up, just this once." Eddie pleaded.

"But why me? The symbiotes want nothing to do with me, I mean they aren't even after me. What about Gargan? I bet he would be happy to help you, I mean they're after you both, so?" Peter said.

"Haven't you heard what happened to Gargan?" Eddie asked, surprised.

"No, there has been much on my mind lately." Peter answered, tiredly.

"Gargan is in the hospital, badly hurt. The five symbiotes came after him and almost killed him, he was lucky that I was the one that found him."

"What about his symbiote, is it also in the hospital badly hurt?" Peter mocked.

"The five symbiotes weren't truly after Gargan, they were mostly after the venom symbiote. So what I think is that when they managed to separate Gargan and the venom symbiote they completely forgot about Gargan, they just left him there to die and went after the venom symbiote." Eddie said, completely ignoring Peter's mock.

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