The monster in the sewer

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The symbiote made Peter walk through the sewer with no destination, Peter was lost in his mind that was collapsing thanks to the symbiote. Peter was thinking about doing things that he would never do, Peter was having terrible thoughts and those thoughts made him feel good. Peter is feeling his own mind falling apart as he keeps on falling down into madness. The symbiote kept on keeping Peter in its hold, it needs to make sure that Peter will not abandon their bond, but their bond is weak. They bonded too fast, so fast that it is making it and Peter feel nauseous. It needs to keep them safe, it needs to protect their bond. The symbiote also knows that anti-venom is nearby thanks to Peter's memories, if Eddie finds them he will kill it and free Peter. It will not allow that to happen when it finally has Peter all to itself, it has always been selfish, it only wants him, it wants him to be venom. Eddie was a perfect host, they were a perfect pair, but nothing can top Peter. Eddie may have been perfect and without flaws, but he was boring. There was no challenge in their bond, nothing to overcome, no excitement. It didn't need to push Eddie, he was already a boring perfect host. But when it was with Peter, it was always pushing him towards his perfection. In reality the symbiote wasn't pushing Peter to his perfection, but corrupting him. It just likes to call it perfection. The first time when it was bonded to Peter it tried to do their bond slowly, it was afraid and lost in a new world. It was so close to succeed but Peter managed to overcome its influence, he tore its perfection from his skin. It was so close. But now with their second bond it decided to go all out, it could've died if Peter fought back. Thankfully he accepted their bond. It may have finally made Peter accept their name as venom, but Peter's perfection is not completely finished, there are still things that it needs to overcome with their bond. He needs to be dependent on it, he needs to be addicted to it, just as it wants it. Peter was hearing voices, he wasn't really in control of his body. Who is he? What is he? What has he become? Those questions were annoying him in his mind, he wanted them to disappear, he wanted them out of his head. But the questions kept on repeating themselves in his mind, pressuring him to say the answer. He tried to resist, tried not saying the answer, but he gave up. He gave in. Peter heard his voice echo in his head as he said the answer, the answer was venom.

Venom woke from his dream as he fell onto his knees, he was half covered by the sewer water. Venom was unsure what had just happened, it was like he had just taken back control of his body. The only thing that venom knows is that he needs to keep going, he needs to get away from the white demon that can and will kill him. Venom stood up and kept on going, he needed to get out of these sewers. Venom has been walking down here for hours, there seemed to be no end in sight. But at least he was alone, he wanted to make their bond stronger, he wants more. Venom does understand how bad things have become for him, he still remembers that he came here as spiderman. But being venom is so good, so much pleasure. He doesn't want to go back, he wants to lose himself in this new power that he has. In this new body. How much venom was enjoying his transformation, he sensed that something was wrong, like something was following him. It couldn't be Eddie because they would sense him if he was close, this was something else. Then something jumped from the water behind venom, launching itself at his back. Thanks to the symbiote, venom was able to act quickly. Venom turned around and grabbed his attacker by the neck, stopping his foe from reaching him. The thing that was attacking venom was a lizardfied dog, one of Dr Connor's experiments.

The lizard dog screamed at venom, then it slammed its tail in venom's jaw, managing to free itself from venom's hold in the process

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The lizard dog screamed at venom, then it slammed its tail in venom's jaw, managing to free itself from venom's hold in the process. Venom hissed not from pain, but from anger. The lizard dog jumped at venom, thinking that it had the upper hand in this fight, but venom punched it down back into the sewer water. The lizard dog tried to bite venom's fist, but it failed miserably as it howled in pain from venom's punch. Venom was having a blast, this was true power, this is what he can do as venom. When he was spiderman he always had a hard time with these things. But now as venom, he could overpower this thing with one punch, he is unstoppable. The lizard dog emerged from the water ready to attack again, but venom wasn't paying it any attention because he was admiring his new power. His new body. Then venom gave out a small hiss as he noticed that there were some teeths sticking out of his right hand, when he punched the lizard dog some of its teeth were left behind stuck in his right fist. Of course venom felt no pain from this as the symbiote protected his skin, then the symbiote made some little tentacles from venom's right hand and removed the lizard dog's teeth. Now venom looked at the lizard dog, ready to destroy it, just as what the symbiote wanted them to do. The lizard dog jumped at venom with its jaw wide open, aiming for his head. The lizard dog was hungry, it wanted to eat and in its mind venom was its prey. The lizard dog was ready to bite down to taste the blood of its prey, but it was stopped in the air. Venom had grabbed its upper and lower jaw with his claws, it tried to bite down but venom's hold was too strong for it. The symbiote wanted to feed more of Peter's emotion and it saw an opportunity for a morsel, the symbiote made Peter extremely angry. It made him feel powerful. Venom smiled as he felt his power, he wanted this thing dead. So venom used his strength to rip the lizard's dog jaw from its body, ripping it in half. The lizard dog died in an instant. The symbiote was pleased, it was feeding plenty from these emotions as it knew this was Peter's first time that he murdered his foe. Venom felt proud of his kill, he was losing his mind, he was hungry. Without thinking venom tried to eat the body of the lizard dog, but the body started to melt into disgusting slime. Venom had forgotten that when Dr Connor's experiments die they dissolve. After staring at the body melt between his black claws, venom started to panic. He had just murdered a dog, he had always tried to safe Dr Connor's experiments, tried to turn them back, man or animal. And he was about to eat that monstrosity, he was about to eat it. Peter screamed from pain, he wanted to be free from this monster that was consuming him from the inside. He has made an enormous mistake. Peter placed his clawed hands on his head trying to decrease the pain that was coming from his head, he and the symbiote were fighting over control of his mind. Peter felt like he was winning this fight, he felt like he would get free form this monster, but then he remembered what he would lose if he got rid of the symbiote. He would lose this power, he would lose his new body, he would once again be alone. "What am I thinking?" Peter thought to himself. He doesn't want to reject the symbiote, he wants to be venom, he had accepted to become venom. He chose this new life for himself so he needs to embrace it. So Peter stopped fighting and embraced the symbiote again, becoming venom once more. Before venom kept on walking forward, he looked down at his symbol on his chest. Then he touched his chest with his right claw, feeling this symbol. After that he scratched to the right with his fingers, cutting into his symbol. There were scratch marks on his symbol that he made with his fingers and watched them close themselves, this symbol will be on his chest forever. The symbiote will always have him, it will be with him forever. Then venom smiled as he kept on walking. The symbiote was a little scared when it and Peter were fighting for control, it was sure it was gonna lose, but when Peter started to think about its power it managed to take over his mind once again. Made him think of what he would lose if he would leave it now, made him love being venom. Hopefully nothing will get in its way so it can complete Peter's perfection.

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