Secret Fantasy (smut) (part 1)

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tags / warnings: college au, sexual fantasy, lace / lingerie, blow jobs, dom/sub undertones, face-fucking, insecurity, body worship; seb is the king of consent!!! :)))


Blaine has a secret. It's something he's never shared with Kurt, nor Sebastian, nor anyone else, even those he considers close. Despite how much he may want to reveal it, the fear of anyone seeing him differently after they know is too strong. The reason? His secret is a fantasy. And sharing fantasies never went well with his last ex. When Kurt found out he watched porn, the man had a huge conniption. He scolded Blaine and called him dirty, making him feel worse than he already did. What Blaine thought was a normal thing for guys to watch suddenly made him disgusted in himself. Even after breaking up with Kurt, watching it still gives him a guilty feeling that he can't shake.

Sebastian doesn't know about the porn thing. Blaine purposely hasn't told him, even though he would probably be okay with it. There's just something about bringing it up, another thing that Kurt hated about Blaine, that makes Blaine feel ill. Maybe Sebastian will get sick of Blaine's constant gripes about his ex and leave. Maybe he'll agree with Kurt and think he's perverted. A part of him knows his current boyfriend won't mind, he most likely watches it himself, but Blaine still refuses to mention it.

And don't get him started on his other fantasy. Porn is one thing; most everyone watches it, and there's a huge variety of preferences and kinks that go into it, letting viewers tailor their own experience. Though his fantasy is so specific, and dare he say, feminine, that there's no way Sebastian would be remotely interested. Sebastian's probably on the dom / sub side of the web, possibly looking into blindfolds and plugs to buy, while Blaine's surfing Etsy for a piece in which he feels both sexy and desirable. It's not to say that Blaine doesn't love the rougher side of sex, because he absolutely does and he and his boyfriend explore it often, but sometimes he also likes the idea of being softly cherished and soothed.

So despite his boyfriend not knowing about his secret, Blaine buys a few pieces anyway. Just for him to see how they look on himself. Sebastian doesn't have to know; they'll be hidden in his closet long before the man comes back from class.

It's a Thursday, a day where Blaine's classes end at two in the afternoon, but Sebastian has a lab that runs until five. The day before, his pieces arrived in the mail. They were well disguised as a normal purchase, thank the seller for that, so Blaine didn't have to hide them, nor lie about what's inside. The two don't have to tell each other about every purchase, but they usually share anyway, as roommates and lovers just interested in each other's spending habits.

Giddily, Blaine drops his bag on the kitchen table and skips off to his room to fetch the packages. He's quick to open and admire them, thrilled at how they look. One is black, the other's pink with flowers, both lace. Neither seem too difficult to put on, so he picks the black one first. There's less going on with it, and he might need a bit of convincing before trying on the other one. It's designed like a tank top, extending from his shoulders to the top of his hip, with an underwear piece to match. In the mirror, his arm and leg muscles look more prominent, bringing him a bit of confidence. The whole set is a bit see-through, adding to the sexiness he already feels while wearing lace. Most men would probably feel belittled by the lingerie, but Blaine feels empowered in it. He even feels himself getting hard at the feel of the material against his bare skin. After gazing at himself in the mirror, trying a few poses, and absolutely loving how it fits and moves with his body, he peels it off to try on the second piece.

Out of the two, the pink one is much more feminine. As if the color wasn't enough, the bottom piece has a ruffled skirt around the top, adding to the daintiness of the whole fit. The top is similar to that of a girl's bralette, plus a tiny bow in the middle. Putting it on has Blaine's hands shaking; the fear of someone, anyone seeing it on him starting a panic. He checks the bedroom window twice, making sure the blinds are covering it completely and no one can see him. Eventually, he gets both parts on and smooths them over, once again enjoying the feel of lace on his fingertips.

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