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🌲Dipper POV🌲

"Come ON Dipper!" Mabel whined.

"Hang on a second! I almost found it. Be patient Mabel." I rambled out while I started to slowly leaf through the pages.

"Aha! Found it! This is going to be our next mystery hunt Mabel."
Mabel hopped around with joy after she heard that.

"Let's go get ready. I'm going to start packing, it might take a few days to get there." I told her, she started scrambling to get ready.
I started packing too. After a solid hour and a half, Mabel and I were ready. We walked downstairs, her in front and me following close behind.

"Stan! Ford! Me and Dipper are are going out!!" Mabel screamed.

"Dipper and I." I whispered under my breath, chuckling at her bad grammar.
Ford walked out of the kitchen, presumably from behind the vending machine.

"How long will you guys be out? That looks like a lot of stuff for just one day." For asked quizzically.

"Yeah, we found a cool portal in the journal, Mabel and I are going to go check it out." I explained.

"Oh, alright. Make sure to be back in at least a week, and take the interdimensional walkie-talkie just in case, okay?" Ford told us.
I took the walkie-talkie and put it in my vest with the journal.

Which journal am I talking about? Well, Ford had a few copies of the three journals down in the lab, even a few that had more information.

Weird, huh?

"Okay grunkle Ford!" Mabel said cheerily.

Mabel and I walked out of the shack, using the map to navigate our way to the portal.

🕑°~Time Skip~°🕚

"Dipper~ are we there yet?! My legs are turning into jelly!!"

"Yes Mabel, we are almost there. Its just one more mile! Which, if we go at the pace we are going, is only 20 minutes away." I explained to a tuckered out Mabel.

"Really?! Okay lets go a little faster!" She said with a happy tone in her voice.

As we walked, we talked about random things to take our minds off of our legs in pain.


When we got to the supposed clearing, we dropped our stuff and waited.

"So~~ When is it going to appear, Dipper?" Mabel asked.

"It'll appear at about sunrise, but to be exact it'll appear at 6:48 and close a few second later." I explained to my curious sibling.

"Nice! What time is it though?" She asked again.

I looked down at my wrist and checked my watch.

"It's 3:37." Said, sighing as I realised that we had to wait.
Mabel is NOT good at waiting.

"Ugh. Good thing I brought my scrapbook of stickers!" My twin exclaimed.

I set up two tents, and seeing as it was 3 AM, I put some salt around them. Just in case.

After a while, Mabel fell asleep. I stayed up till around 5 before I followed.

I woke up at 5:47, and before I could even register that I was awake, I felt a pulling sensation.

The portal appeared inside my tent! I screamed, and I thought I heard Mabel say my name. Then I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was in a grassy field next to a big hole. All my stuff was around me, minus the tent. I slowly sat up and rubbed my head. I could feel a headache coming on.

"Jake? Who is THAT?"


And I'll leave it at that! OoOoh, cliffhanger!

What's your fave food?

580 words

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