Hae Soo was a lost daughter of King Taejo and Lady Oh Sohyeon due of kidnapped by someone. She was send away to other family which Hae clan, Hae Jungsoo. Hae Jungsoo was raised her very well. When she grown up, she had send to her cousin who married...
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Hae Soo
- "I believe in fate. Whatever my destiny is, I will accept it. If my destiny is with you, I will be with you regardless of the challenges that befall me. I will fight to defend my destiny with you."
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Wang Yo
- "She was belong to me. She's my destiny and will lead me a right way. Hurt her will face in my wrath! No matter who you are!"
Other character :
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Wang So
- "I will not let anyone harm of what mine. If a destiny lead me to you, I will glad to accept it."
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