Running Away from the Unmangnaimous Millelith (Part 4)

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Running Away from the Unmangnaimous Millelith (Part 4)

(SIDENOTE: When Qiqi's thinking in her head, I'll make her say "I" instead of "Qiqi" so that there's less confusion! Thanks <3"

(POV Klee)


D-d-did I do something wrong..?

Qiqi was just staring blankly at my mini Dodocos like the way Albedo did when he caught me fish-blasting at the frozen lakes in Dragonspine. I don't get why he'd be mad! I thought he would be proud of me for thawing the lakes so that the fishies could be free (to be killed once more-). Kind of like how I thought Qiqi would have fun! Maybe I was wrong...


(POV Qiqi)

Watching the mini Dodocos explode was actually fun... I guess Klee was right.

"Wow, you actually did it?! B-but I thought that you hated fish-blasting!"

"Qiqi never said that Klee. You're being silly again."

Klee's grin was filled with bundles of joy, as she started jumping up and down like crazy and saying stuff like "yay!" or "hooray!".


It's not like Qiqi can do that. My life was already over to begin with when I became a zombie.

Because I'm a zombie.

We spent the next 20 minutes fish-blasting. It was so much fun, a bit too much fun. The next thing I knew, we were laughing together and making jokes (well mostly Klee) about the fish we just mass-murdered. That was until 5 authoritative-looking soldiers approached us from the back.

"T-t-that's them! They're the 2 psychopaths that blew the fountain!"


I think we messed up.

I glanced over to the fountain, or should I say the remains of the fountain that used to be there. Let's just say that Klee's bombs might have been a tad bit too powerful...

The soldier in the middle simply looked perplexed. "That's them? They're just 2 young children". Then I glanced over to Klee. Klee's face was the epiphany of "uh oh, we messed up". Klee scootched over to my ear and whispered "Just play dumb, and they'll believe us!". Ok, good. At least Klee's aware that we should-

"Mister orange metalman, we never did anything! If we did do something we would have had my bombs out of my backpack!"




Words can't explain how dumbfounded I feel. Did Klee seriously admit that we had bombs..?

Well, there's only 1 thing we can do now...

(POV Klee)


All of a sudden Qiqi grabbed my dress and bolted away faster than any Abyss Mage did when Lisa shows up. Klee never knew Qiqi was such a fast runner. After staying in the same spot for a while, it makes it extra fun to run around! I looked behind us, only to see the angry-looking metalmen chasing us! Are we playing tag? I didn't know we were! In that case, I have just the perfect bomb for this occasion...

"Klee, what are you doing..."

"Getting out my extra-special bomb for this occasion!"

I threw Dodoslow at them, and just as designed they stopped moving!

"Klee, why did you throw your bombs at humans?!"

"Don't worry! It's Dodoslow, which means that they won't go kablooey and instead slows them down!"


Wow, Klee sure has a lot of bombs... I didn't know that bombs could have other uses.

Anyways that should slow down the Millelith for now. For now, we should focus on getting out of their radar.

After a lot of running, we stopped at a tree and took a break.

"I think we lost them"

"That game of tag was sooo fun Qiqi!"


"That wasn't a game of tag Klee. We just ran away from the Millelith."

Wait a minute... Why did we run away.

We made another huge mistake.


Klee and Qiqi are now wanted! What will they do next? Find out next time on Klee and Qiqi's Misadventures! If you want to support me, please like and follow! But just by reading this entire part is enough :)


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