The Twenty-Fourth Voyage

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I did not know what to do with myself. It wasn't like I was bored or anything... well, maybe I was, but that was beside the point. Sinbad's sailors worked so diligently and treated me with such kindness that all I wanted to do was help them in any way I could; however, anytime I asked, they told me they had everything under control and to not worry.

It might have been anxiety. On my ships, I was in charge of all most everything, as well as helping my sailors in anyway I possibly could. This was far different. I felt a pit in my stomach for not helping them. At the moment, I was embroidering on my mother's unfinished work, as Sinbad worked diligently at his desk. When my mother was Queen, she often worked on her own dresses, however, as she got older, she requested the tailor to make something plain, so she could have the luxury of dolling it up herself. She was amazing at embroidery. This dress wasn't for anything in particular, but she stopped working on it once father died. It sat in a chest to collect dust. I promised myself that I would finish it in her honor.

The fabric was a baby blue represent peace and tranquility. The bodice fit smoothly without straining across the body or shoulders, as the neckline was open, just to the turn of the shoulder. The neckline was tucked blue, with a black trim and little strands of blue lace. Below the neckline were small puffed out sleeves of the same color. Those too had a black trim and blue lace. The waistline was pointed in the front, creating a Princess-line gown, which cut with the bodice and skirt in one piece. The shape of the skirt was bell shaped, with vertical strips, transitioning from a darker and lighter blue. Over laying it was another, shorter layer to give the dress more flare. Along with the sleeves and such, a black trim encircled it along with lace. This was what I was currently embroidering.

After another flower, I stopped for a moment, feeling a little jaded. I had done far too many of these things in a single day. Standing up, I stretched a little before looking around the room. For it being mildly full, there wasn't much to keep my attention. Mainly books and scrolls filled the shelves. Strangely enough, he didn't even have a deck of cards laying around. Sinbad watched me from the corner of his eye, wondering what I was searching for. His amber eyes then drifted toward the dress I was actively working on. "Sinbad, can I ask you something?" Gaining his full attention, he gave me a quick grin, "Why am I headed to Sindria with you?"

"Your sister didn't tell you?" He answered my question with another question. Obviously. This irritated me a little.

"No. She illustrated that this matter was important, but what it infers to is a deeper insight into this issue." The male stood up from his desk, before gently grasping my shoulder. This was an attempt to calm me down, though I wasn't overreacting. In fact, I felt like I was under reacting.

"You'll find out in due time." Before I could leave the room with my unfinished dress in hand, Sinbad poured himself a small drink before calling out, "(Y/N), are you sure you want to go so soon?"

"I'll only take a little while." I spoke vaguely, before closing the door behind me. Huffing a small bit, I continued to worry about the reasons of travel. Passing the main door to the deck, I peaked in through the window to see men at work. Finally leaving the window after getting caught by one of them, I made it back to the guest bedroom. The dress sat idly on the bed before I pulled out my violin. Tightening the horsehair, I tuned the instrument fondly, before playing a few notes. Coming up with a tune, the sound of knocking wood could be heard from the other side of the door. Stopping immediately, I ran over to the wood to answer the knocking. That was when I saw a few of the crew.

"Afternoon, Princess!" The front man spoke, as the others chuckled at his words, "We were wonderin' if ya wanted to sing for us bunch. After all, ya been askin' all week, miss." A smile immediately returned to my features, as I was happy to do anything for these men.

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