It's only the beginning

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Sound of chains Jingle when they move as the moon hit a small window that shine through the small window as the light hit the back of a young boy who sat there watching the door, He

waited and waited to be let out he knows he will cause when it's his birthday he would be able to be let out for a while but something was a bit off on the young boy. He was all skinny and bones shown as he was living off of the food that his parents didn't eat so scraps.

you can see he was very weak but somehow not weak at all as long coated blur hair as some was tangled with the chains as mud some dry blood as you can see his face but you can see his mask, You can also see his eyes that shine in the dark feeling the warmth of the moon against his back as if the moon was hugging him,

The boy you see here his name Is Y/n M/n L/n the boy who been in the basement so long as you could remember he haven't went outside when you was born,

you didn't see the outside you can see a little that shows in the small window you have in the basement of where you live in,

You heard Laughter coming up stairs as you always heard most of the time it was laughing or fighting but that all family have that problem of course but you was hoping that today,

They may let you at least step outside you wanted to see the outside no not that you wanted it's more that you needed it you crave the outside,

How much you crave the outside world you begin to get crazy more crazy that you begin to talk to yourself and bash your head on the wall that sometimes your father or mother come down punch you to get you to stop it of course you didn't care.

You stop feeling a long time ago but sometimes you feel buzzing but a bug buzzing but a static sound of course you got use to the static cause it been with you at age of 3 and up to now you,

You didn't mind the sound of course you enjoy the sound it felt warm but not only the buzzing sound it felt like you being watched from that small window most of the time but you didn't push it you stopped screaming for help a long time ago so you just begin to stay quiet talking to your self,

You heard a sound of foot steps and you quickly got up as your mother came down and unlocked you and let you upstairs of course you still have chains on you that Rattle around as you walk up stairs as the Rattle of chains fill the house as you stood in the kitchen.

You waited for to be told next as your mom walk over with some scrap food and a small looking cupcake as she look at you.

Mom:"SIT down you freak at eat now"

You did as told as she threw the food at you and sat down at the table as your mother and father was eating crabs and salad for dinner you ate quietly watch them carefully as they ate aswell.

Tou got done eating you begin to ask your mom and dad something hopefully praying that they say yes to you

M/n:"Mom...Dad Can I be able to step outside? You did say I can when I'm older-"

Your mom and your father look at you then look at each other as they begin to laugh at you as you sat there confused why they was laughing at you

Mom:"I didn't promise you anything you lil freak"

Dad:"Be grateful we let you out on your birthday you lil shit!"

That hurt you they promise that when your older they said you be able to see the outside world was it all just a lie? Was it all just a game to them?.

You try to think things over trying to figure out stuff as your father threw his plate at you smacking you in the face ( Hitting your mask) as they laugh at you.

They lied for their own enjoyment that point something snapped in you, You was mad at them you was right down angry at them as you slowly begin stand up as they still laugh lights begin to flicker fast as all of a sudden you left something warm,

You all over you as you heard your mother screaming as you look down seeing your father head in your hands as you was covered in blood as your mother was backing away from you as you turned to her dropping your father head onto the floor as you begin to walk up to her.

As she steps back everytime you take a step she take a step back till she hit the wall now as she pled mercy to you as she cried she look ugly crying but you didn't hear her pled at all you felt a small pain as you look on your shoulder seeing it was a knife as you look back at your mom with a shock expression.

M/n:"Mom it's okay -Put on a happy face and everything will be okay- so don't cry"

Before she could yell you grabbed a hold of her mouth to her jaw as you begin to pull as she began to move around trying to get you to let go, As she starts punching you and hitting you as you keep a hold of her bottom jaw as your mom was in pain as she cried all of a sudden a snap was heard, As you ripped your mother bottom jaw as she began to slowly die as she Lay there crying as she dies slowly you grabbed some blood on the floor and wrote on the wall.

'Put On a happy face and everything will be okay'

You begin to hear sirens as you begin to rush outside feeling the cold air on to your body as you felt shivers on your spine but you shake your head to get ride of your thoughts as you begin to run out into the woods hearing the leaves and sticks crunch between your naked feet as cold wind hit your body,

But the moon was so warm when it was around your body as you kept running and running ignoring the feeling of being watched as you sank deeper into the woods as you made it to a small cave as you climb in for you to sleep, Tou sat in the cave looking at the moon happy so happy to be able to be outside.

This is what you wanted to be free you felt the warmth of the outside now your not leaving it no matter which you have to fight you don't care at all even if you gotta kill someone or anybody for that.


Put on a happy face (Creepypasta x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now