My little Hummingbird

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(A chapter request to one of my lovely fallowers so if you reading this thank you for the idea)

Time past you was able to read and write so for now you was sitting watching Jeff Running away from Jane as always as others was in the living room watching TV or was In the Kitchen Eating snacks, You sigh hevy as Toby looked over at you that was sitting next to you cleaning his Weapon from last night kill,

Toby:"W-what's *Tic* Wrong M-M/n are you b-bored? *Tic*"


Toby:"Mmm...H-How about*Tic* Playing with S-sally?"


Ben:"How about the music room last night I heard you humming a song how about looking in the music room?"

You looked down at Ben who was playing his Game Boy as you tilted your head not knowing that the house had a music room, Toby nodded as he went up grabbing your hand now dragging you to the music room, When you and Toby reached the door opening it up as Toby went in first to turn the lights on as You walked in fallowing Toby as you look around the room,

You looked down at Ben who was playing his Game Boy as you tilted your head not knowing that the house had a music room, Toby nodded as he went up grabbing your hand now dragging you to the music room, When you and Toby reached the door opening it...

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You look at Toby as he left you as he said he'll be back to explain the instruments as he left quickly leaving you alone as you look around as eyes planted on the paino as you sat looking at the keys, You play one of the keys soon your hands begin to have a mind of its own as you begin to play the keys as you begin to sing,

"Hey, put on a happy face

Then everything's okay

Put on a happy face

Flip the switch, flip the stove

World gone mad, let's start the show

Get your kicks and let's go

If you're sad, don't let it show

Say I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy today

I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy today

They say put on a happy face

'Cause we're tick-tock, tick-tock

Ticking like a timebomb

Hey, put on a happy face

Then everything's okay

Put on a happy face

Hey, put on a happy face

Then everything's okay

Put on a happy face

Put on a happy face (Creepypasta x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now