Final Chapter: The future is always so bright

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Author's Note: This is my final chapter for this fic. This one is a 5 year timeskip to what will be my interpretation of Tharn and Type's wedding. Thinking back at it, I'm mildly surprised that in the actual wedding special for Tharn and Type, Techno went to the wedding alone. I always assumed he'd still be with Kengkla at that point but it doesn't matter. Please enjoy the finale of this fanfic


It had been 5 years since Techno had last seen been in Bangkok. A couple of months after Magus's birth, Kengkla was given a great job opportunity in Phuket so the small family moved away, but still occasionally kept in touch with family and friends. Sometimes they even took small vacations to Type's family resort whenever Type went to visit and dragged Tharn along. But now, Techno had received a letter in the mail telling him that his best friend and his boyfriend were finally getting married. Techno was shocked that they hadn't gotten married sooner, especially since Tharn and Type were always together and never separated.

"Techno? Are you alright?" Techno jumped slightly as a voice broke through his train of thought. He turned around and saw Kengkla, who had just gotten out of the taxi that was parked in front of the hotel they were going to be spending the next couple of days in. Techno nodded and went to grab their son from the cab, who was just waking up from napping through the entire plane and taxi rides. "Yeah. I was just remembering the last time we were in Bangkok. I can't believe how long it's been." He said quietly as he picked up the sleepy boy, trying not to jostle him too much.

Kengkla nodded and went to grab their luggage from the back of the taxi before paying the driver. "Yeah. I kind of miss it sometimes. But there's no place that I'd rather be than with you and our little ball of sunshine." He said with a mischievous grin before kissing Techno on the cheek quickly and going inside to check in. Techno stood there for a solid minute, face as red as a tomato before following his boyfriend into the hotel all the while making sure Magus was still sleeping soundly.

Less than an hour later the small family was laying on the ginormous bed that was in the biggest suite they had available (Kengkla spared absolutely no cost in making sure his family had the most amount of room they needed), with Magus slightly curled into a ball whilst laying between his dads who were leaning against the headrest and just conversing quietly with each other.

"So Type asked you to be his best man right? That means you need to get to their place earlier than everyone else?" Kengkla asked softly, running his hand up and down Techno's arm while the other man nodded in confirmation. "Yeah. Wedding's at like 2 or 3 pm tomorrow and Type said he wanted me there by 10 at the earliest. You guys don't need to come with me though. You can always come later on." He replied, going through the next days plan in his head.

Kengkla shook his head. "No it's okay. I don't mind coming early with you. And you know how much Magus loves their dog, so he can keep them entertained so there's no reason for you to go alone and wait for us." He said before glancing down at their son. "Wanna go take a shower together before going to bed?" He asked, looking up at Techno and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Techno groaned. "God, is sex all you think about?" He asked jokingly as he stood up. "But a shower does sound really good. Just don't tire me out too much, I got a lot to do tomorrow." He said before walking into the bathroom, the younger man immediately hurrying behind him.

The next day

The sun was starting to set around 6pm. The wedding was beautiful and lovely and most of the people had left (save for the grooms, their families, Techno, Kengkla and their son, and a few of their close friends) as it was getting late and the reception was coming to an end.

Techno sighed softly as he walked around Tharn and Type's new home, before he accidentally ran into his best friend. "Type, congrats again dude. I knew the moment you and Tharn started dating that you two would eventually get hitched." He said with a playful grin on his face. Type rolled his eyes. "Well Tharn just kept asking and asking, and I love him so I said yes. But what about you? Why're you walking around my house looking all mopey and sad?" He asked, putting a hand on Techno's shoulder. "Are you....jealous of me and Tharn?"

Techno bit his lip gently and looked around, making sure no one was watching them or listening before nodding slightly. "Honestly? Yeah, I am. I really thought that at some point Kla would've proposed. God, we've been together for like 5 or 6 years. We have a kid together. Yet we aren't married. I get that it's still not legal here, but it's the principle of the matter. I love him and I know that I'm not going to ever be with anyone else. So I've just been wondering why he hasn't asked me to marry him." He said, feeling a little dejected. "Does he not love me as much as he used too?" He muttered to himself, not even realizing that Type was dragging him outside, to the altar him and Tharn just got married at.

"Techno, how could you think that I don't love you?" Kengkla, who was standing in the middle of the altar asked, taking the older mans hand into his own and pulling him close. Techno blinked and looked up at his boyfriend in surprise. "Kla? How'd I end up out here?" He asked, having been so inside his head that he didn't notice what was happening. Kengkla held Techno's hand gently and looked at him with a look that was full of pure love and adoration.

"Techno, I know that when we started dating I manipulated you and I forced you into a relationship that you didn't want. But my whole viewpoint changed when you told me you were pregnant. I had selfishly thought that I won the war and that you'd never leave me. And when you did leave, it made me realize that I had to change. I couldn't keep lying to you and manipulating you. So it took some time and I eventually became the man I knew you needed, knew our son needed. I know how much you love me and I haven't been fully showing you how much I love you. But I'm going to change that, starting now." Kengkla said, his voice shaking nervously as he knelt onto one knee and took out a small box from his pocket. "I know it's kind of weird to do this at someone else's wedding, but Tharn and Type said I could when I told them I wanted to made this the most special question in your entire life. So, Techno.....will you marry me?" He asked, looking up at the love of his life.

Techno just stared down at him, entirely speechless with the occasional tear running down his cheek. After maybe 2 minutes of just being unsure if this was really happening, he nodded his head. "Yes. Kla, of course I'll marry you." He said before he started full on crying as Kengkla stood up and pulled him into the tightest hug imaginable. Both of the men were so into the moment and each other that they didn't even notice the clapping and cheering from the few people who were still around.

Once they pulled back, Kengkla opened the ring box and put the ring on Techno's ring finger and grinned. "I'm sorry I waited so long to do this. I've honestly had the ring for like 2 years, but we just got busy with work and the timing just never seemed right." Techno shook his head and placed his hands on either side of Kengkla's face. "When doesn't matter Kla. It's just knowing that you love me and that we want to be together forever." He said softly before kissing the other man lovingly.

The two only pulled back when they both felt a small tug on their pant legs. "Papa, are you going to tell daddy about the secret now?" Magus asked, when his dads pulled away from each other and looked down at their son. "Secret? What secret?" Kengkla asked, looking between his child and fiance curiously. Techno blushed slightly. "U-um....I just found out a couple week ago that I'm pregnant....again. I think the doctor said that I was about 12 weeks." He said, looking in any direction except at his boyfriend.

Kengkla blinked and looked around before immediately pulling Techno and their son into the biggest hug they had ever done. He never would've guessed that after the night he first got Techno into his bed, that he'd ever have a wholly loving family of his own.


Author's Note 2: And now it's over. I do plan on some sort of sequel or spin-off, but I just haven't gotten around to writing it yet. But I will gladly take suggestions and ideas for anything anyone would wanna see with this little family. 

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed everything I wrote :-)

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