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.Aarohi's POV-

"It's 4am! Shit Aarohi! You are late freaking late. Dadisa is going to eat you raw! " Well it's 4 am and by now I am supposed to be in the kitchen getting the lavish breakfast ready! Lavish? Yes ! Everyone has a different taste when it comes to food. So it takes me about 3 hours of continuous working in the kitchen that when the lavish breakfast is ready! If it's not then I have a mother-in-law to taunt me and her mother-in-law to taunt me more.

Well thats my life , full of taunts and abandonment. What's my life? Wake Up- Cook- Take care of the house- Sleep. That's it! Getting married in such a big household of name the "The Suryawanshi" was not so in favor of me. You think there are maids..Yes there are but looks like I am one too. Being the eldest daughter- in- law it's my duty to abide by the laws of the house and the traditions.

I got ready for the day and now it's kichen time! I decided the menu for today and started working all alone . Well because according to the family rules maids could not enter the kitchens and the rooms of the family members. It should be managed by the women of the house only! Note. This rule was established only when I came to house. I remember when I was instructed about this

" You are married in this household , from now on you are responsible for the duties of this house . Your mother-in-law is free now. You have to devote you time towards the house, your husband, and the family members. There are some rules that you have follow! Never let the prestige of the family go down. Be it happen anything but you have to maintain the name of the family. Never raise you voice at anyone. Remember your place always. Your husband should be your priority and giving this house the next heir. Behave in a certain way. Dress in a certain way. All of this should be taken care of. The maids don't enter the kichen all the work should be done by you only..utensils also ,they can help during occasions but day to day it's supposed to be done by you! All the rooms of the of the house members are to be cleaned by you..the maids cannot enter there too. Never mess with you grand-mother-in- law. She already hates you, you don't want to get to worst side now."

" Bhabhi! What are you making for breakfast today! I am so hungry and i can smell something sooo good "

"Yes because it's your favourite which is why u can smell it you little guy"

"I am not little bhabhi! I am 20 years old"

"Yeah but you have the brain of a 2 year old" and here the fight has started

" Oh bhabhi..look who says this, the one who has no brains" i stifled a laugh these two are really something. Well these two are my younger brother-in-law and by sister-in-law, Rahul and Nitya

" Stop it both of you it's not even morning and you have started troubling bhabhi."

"Look whose here . The-grumpy-away- from-his-wife Nakul Bhai"

"Bhai you're missing Tara bhabhi right? It's okay she'll come back today and then you can be less grumpy " everyone laughed

" Shh..now stop it both of you , go and get ready for college I'll set the table in 15mins. Rahul your clothes are ironed and hanged so are yours Nitya please remove what you want to wear tomorrow. A lesser task for me please"
Both of them gave me a sympathetic look because they knew I was made to do all this even they could do on their own.

" Thank you bhabhi" .I gave them a tight smile

" Nakul your clothes are ready too Please get ready you need to get Tara back . Also your coffee is ready. Here! "
I gave him the cup and rested both my hand on the counter and looked towards my sweetest newly wed brother-in-law.

" Thank you bhabhi " with a sympathetic smile.
" Oh please. Smile properly, you're the newly wed. You are smiling like this already as if you're regretting. Are you? " I smiled sheepishly

" What? No bhabhi i love Tara you know it! "
" Offcourse I know i was pulling your leg relax. From tomorrow you won't have to say thankyou to me thank your wife! Okay?!"
" Yes bhabhi I will, also bhabhi what should I gift her? U have the best ideas , if it was not you i wouldn't have been married to her"
" I know I knoww now what can you gift her? Let me think. I think you should gift her something that will make her feel special to this family and the new environment. Something that she will cherish when she see's it. That's enough now you figure out what Devarji." With that I went out of the kitchen to set the table.

It was around 8 that all the members started coming. One by one everyone was here. I went to the elders to take their blessing. I bow down dadisa's feet but she did not give me blessing same with my mother in law . I felt bad and tears brimmed by eyes but I controlled myself. My Father-in-law gave me the blessings and gave a sympathetic look. I smiled tight and started serving evryone. There were around 8 dishes according to everyone's taste
I was supposed to have breakfast after they did. Elder daughter-in-law afcourse!

" Nakul pick up Tara today and are the sweets ready Aarohi for their family? "
" Yes dadisa I'll pack and give him"
"Also Rehaan is coming back today. Get ready and prepare accordingly"
Rehaan , the name made me shiver , my husband is coming back today
" Did you not hear i am talking to you!" Dadisa said rudely
" Sorry dadisa, I'll do the required "
" Arrey dadisa she was lost in bhai's thoughts, he is coming after a month from his trip which he left after just one week of getting married" said Nitya which made me blush, but also made  me sad that he left after just a week.

"You know how much of a workaholic brother you have. What am I supposed to do?" Dadisa set jokingly. She is good with everyone expect me , reason is still unknown to me

Everyone finished and was about to leave for work and i handed them their lunch with clear instructions to finish it. Rahul and Nitya always need instructions. They behave like kids sometimes!

With that everyone left and I moved to the kitchen to wrap up and clean a heap of utensils in the kitchen.


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