Trust 💔

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After College Nanon was waiting outside for Top to pick him up. Then suddenly Ohm came from behind while smiling at him.

"So come on what are waiting for" Ohm said smiling while removing some hairs strands from Nanon's forehead.

"Wow such a player are you.... don't dare to touch me again otherwise your boy with again get angry" Nanon said sarcastically he almost got melted by Ohm's soft gaze.....then reality hit him hard.

"What are you talking about Nanon" Ohm aksed with confused smile when Nanon slapped his hands away from his face.

"Nothing..... please get aside you are blocking my way" Nanon said with poker face. He quickly passed Ohm straight towards Top's car.

Top didn't asked any further because he can sense something off so he quickly start his car and they both drove away leaving a confused Ohm.


After that incident Nanon totally avoided Ohm....he locked himself inside his room while sobbing thinking about their fake sweet moments..... Ohm was very worried for Nanon he don't know why Nanon is behaving strangely with him.

Ohm was waiting for Nanon infront of his door while leaning against the door. He was getting impatient... Meanwhile Nanon told everything to Top because he never hide anything from him. Top suggest him to think carefully but Nanon refused to listen he also told about Toey threat.

Nanon was walking towards his room then he saw Ohm leaning against his door waiting for him. He sighed in frustration he ignored him and start unlocking his door but suddenly stopped when Ohm grabbed his arm tightly turning towards him.

"What do you want from me... can't you leave me alone"Nanon said with unreadable expression.
"What happened to you....why are you behaving like this with me again....and how many times I told you that I hate it when you give me silent treatments" Ohm said with hurt expression he tighten his hold around his wrist.

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