Chapter 4. The Touch Again

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🎶 Numb Little Bug - Piano Version

Published on 29.09.2022

do you ever get a little bit tired of life?
like you're not really happy,
but you don't wanna die;
like you're hanging by a thread,
but you gotta survive. ❞


Inaaya looks around to find everyone busy and heaves a breath. She was never a fan of parties so this felt the right moment to leave considering she didn't have anything to contribute more and was neither surrounded by people, forcing herself to give a polite smile and getting engaged in conversations she was least interested in. She grabbed her jacket and hung it by her arm. Just when she was about to turn towards the exit and take a step forward, a shrill voice called her name, making her sigh and halt.

"Inaaya," the voice called again, merrily and she turned around.

"Felix," she muttered and gave him an amused smile, pretending to be surprised and happy to see him here when in reality, she had been trying and had been successful until now to not attract his attention. It wasn't as if she didn't like him but she was tired to hold a conversation especially when he's known to engage people in long ass talks.

Felix jogged towards her, a charming smile stretched across his face, his dirty blonde hair bouncing lightly. "I was searching for you the whole night!" He said cheekily, running a hand through his hair.

"Me?" Inaaya pointed towards her, feigning surprise.

"Ofcourse." He grinned. "The prettiest boy looking for the prettiest girl."

"Oh, god." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, chuckling. "That was cringe."

Felix rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "Maybe it was," he admits, "but you look really pretty." He adds sincerely.

Inaaya looks down at herself. She was wearing a deep red cocktail dress which ended just below her knees and had a crew neck. It was simple if anything and her hair was left open in an elegant hairstyle in a way which accentuated their wavy form. "You don't have to lie so blatantly but thank you." She gave him a warm smile. "You don't look too bad yourself." She remarked playfully.

A coy smile curved up on his lips. "Oh, the honour of receiving a compliment from you. By the way," he outstretched his right hand and lowered himself, "can I be lucky enough to receive another honour of dancing with you?" He raised his brows expectantly.

Inaaya's smile vanished and she looked at him apologetically. "Felix, I'm sorry but.... I need to leave." She answered, wringing her fingers.

"Oh," his face fell and he straightened himself. "Not even one dance?" He tried his luck.

Inaaya pursed her lips. "I would've but... I really need to go. I've even called the cab."

He tries not to look much dejected and forces a smile onto his face. "I was actually going to ask to atleast let me drop you but," he shakes his head and breathes out, "my luck doesn't seem to like me much right now."

She let's out a dry laugh.

"You won't even have a drink, right?" He tries again, futilely.

Inaaya pouts and shakes her head slowly. "You know I don't drink." She did but only with Maya and if Akira joined them but he didn't need to know that.

"Ugh." Felix groans. "Why are you even leaving this early?"

"Why do you keep trying when you know there's no chance?" She asks instead, smiling sadly.

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