Chapter 1 - Jamison meets the team

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Jamison was a little cranky having just woken up, Nat brought her out to eat breakfast. She ate breakfast, then went to get ready for the day. "Don't forget your medicine," Nat reminded, "alright," Jamie was frustrated. She took her medicine even though she didn't want too, then she started school. When she was done with school, Nat took her to her doctors appointment. When they got there, Jamie wouldn't get out of the car. "Jamison Kay," Nat said, Jamie knew she was being serious, but still wouldn't get out of the car. Nat pulled her out, and into the doctors office. When they were in the room, Jamie refused to talk, so Nat did the talking. At home Jamie went to her room, and just laid in her bed. Nat came, and knocked on the door, "dinner's ready," "I'm not hungry," Jamie replied. Nat knew it wasn't worth a fight, but this is the 3rd time she skipped 2 meals. "JAMISON KAY IF YOU DON"T COME OUT HERE AND EAT, I WILL TELL THE DOCTOR YOU'RE SKIPPING MEALS.'' Jamie came out, and she was in a mood, she ate dinner, and then went back to her room. Later on Nat knocked on the door, Jamie didn't respond, Nat came in, "why didn't you answer?" ''I didn't hear you," Jamie lied, Nat gave her the look, "look it hasn't been easy on either of us," Jamie said, Nat responded, "I know, and I've been trying my best to help you with your PTSD, and ADHD." Jamie didn't say aything, Nat knew she missed them, and there was no doubt Nat did too. Nat sat down next to Jamie, and to lighten the mood said, "how about if I introduce you to the Avengers tomorrow?" Jamie looked at her, "really," "really," Nat smiled. Jamie hugged her, and for the first time, both girls felt the bond between each other grow. The next morning Nat woke Jamie up bright and early, they both got ready, and ate breakfast together, Jamie took her medicine, and they left for the compound. When they got there Nat looked, and Jamie had fallen asleep. She felt bad waking her up, but did it anyway. Once inside, Jamie was talking with Clint, and Steve, when Nat came in with a whole group of people. Jamie froze with fear, she didn't like crowds of new people, Nat went over, and stood behind her, with her hands on Jamie's shoulders. "Everyone, this is my little sister, Jamison, she perfers Jamie though." Everyone introduced themselves, and Jamie was unresponsive. Nat started to worry she was having a panic attack, but then she looked, and Jamie was asleep. Nat chuckled to herself, and carried Jamie upstairs to her room, and laid her in the bed. The next morning, Jamie woke up, and Nat was laying awake, stroking Jamie's hair. "Hey Nat," Jamie said sleepily, "hey sleepyhead," Nat replied, "you ready to go home?" Jamie sighed, "yeah," Nat gave her, her medicine, and then they went home. Once home Nat sat Jamie down to do school, Jamie did her school, and afterwards, Nat made lunch for both of them. She was prearring for Jamie to go to her room, and lay in bed, but Jamie sat down to eat lunch. Nat looked at her, shocked, "what," Jamie asked, "I'm hungry." Nat smiled, and ate her lunch, when dishes were cleared Jamie seemed to be getting hyper. "Jamison, do you need your back-up medication," Nat asked, Jamie knew she did, "yes please Nat," Nat gave it to her, and she calmed down. Later on, they were sitting on the couch relaxing, when there was a knock on the door. Nat opened it, and it was Yelena. "How are my 2 sisters," Jamie jumped off the couch, and into Yelena's arms. "Oh my someone's ecited to see me," Jamie nodded.

Jamison Kay Romanoff (Nat's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now