Chapter 2 - The mission

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"As good as it is to see you, Yelena, why are you here?" Nat asked, Yelena responded, "Jamie why don't you go to your room." Jamie went, then Yelena said, "Nick wants us to go on a mission." "For," Nat asked, "He said he'll brief everyone when we get to the compound." Nat told her, "Someone has to watch Jamie at all times," Yelena nodded, "Laura Barton, and Pepper Potts said they'll watch her." Nat sighed, "I'll get her ready," she went to Jamie's room, Jamie was coloring when Nat came in. She put down her coloring, "Nat what's wrong," she asked. Nat responded, "Yelena and I have a mission, you're going to be staying with Laura Barton, and Pepper Potts." Jamie sighed, Nat knew she wanted to go as well. "Maybe when you're fully trained you can come on missions." 2 days Later, Jamie was at Laura Bartons house, with Pepper Potts, and Laura's kids. The team had just left, and Jamie already missed Nat, and Yelena. Laura noticed, and she put a arm around Jamie,"I know it's hard but they'll be back before you know it." Jamie didn't respond, instead she went to her room, and laid in her bed, crying. Pepper heard the crying, and came in, "I know you miss them honey." Jamie sat up, and threw her arms around Pepper, "They'll be back in a few days," Pepper said. "I want them back now," Jamie cried, Pepper put her arms around Jamie, and rocked her. Jamie pushed her away, ran to her room, slammed the door, locked it, and jumped in the bed crying. Then she remembered that Nick had not said they couldn't call the team, she picked up her phone, and dialed Nat. **Nat's POV** Nat, and Yelena were on the jet with the team. Nat was worrying that Jamie woudn't do well, Yelena was trying to console her. Nat was adamant that Jamie wasn't alright, when her phone rang, when she saw Jamie's number, she knew immediately, "hey Jamie," "Nat," Jamie was crying, which was tearing at Nat's heart. "Baby it's okay," Nat tried to reassure her, but Jamie only cried harder, Nat couldn't take it, and when the team landed she took the motorcycle back to the safe house. **Jamie's POV** Jamie had just hung up on Nat, and was laying in bed crying. she heard the door open, and she heard a voice, "where is she?" Jamie recognized the voice, she ran down and jumped into Nat's arms, Nat had tears running down her face as well, ''I'm sorry baby." Jamie just held Nat tightly, then they heard the back door, "ROMANOFF!" It was Nick, "WHY ARE YOU HERE," Pepper, and Laura took Jamie outside. Nat responded, "my little sister needs me more than the team needs me. I didn't tell anyone, but she has moderate epilepsy." Nick was about to say something, then Pepper came in with a worried look on her face. "Natasha, something is wrong with Jamie," Nat ran outside, and Jamie was spaced out the way she is during a siezure, Nat cupped her face, "it's okay honey, I'm here......" She wraped her arms around Jamie, "I'm here," Jamie snapped back to reality, and Nat took her inside to give her medicine. Nick understood the importance of Nat coming home, and suggested telling the team. Nat texted Yelena, and told her what had happened. Yelena said, she'll tell the team, and then Nat turned her attention to Jamie who had fallen asleep on the couch. Nat smiled, and covered her with a blanket, when she woke up, Nat gave her dinner.

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