I'm.. dead. i can't accept this.

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Cale barrow.

He had died. He had died because of the certain someone, he couldn't accept it.

He can't accept it.

The plan He had on for thousands of years just disappeared like a bubble that had pop.

The revenge that he was supposed to do is now gone. His love once who he had wanted to get revenge for is now gone. No, he can't accept that.

He wants to get revenge, he had been planning this for a very long time, how could he fail like that for just 2 years? Shouldn't it take for many yours before someone can beat him?

How can he just die like that? Why. Why.. why...

He doesn't want to accept it, but it's the truth.

He had died.


Cale barrow was now glancing at the former figure in front of him.

He felt like he was dreaming, though its the truth, he was now.. dead.

Cale barrow.

"God of death."

Hoh, you are pretty sharp.

Cale barrow ignored what God of death said, instead, he starts mumbling to himself.

"I am.. dead. I can't.. no this can't be, why? No, I can't accept this, the revenge.. no, why? Why.."

The tears, tears he had never felt before was now building up to his eyes, it slide out from his face to chin.

Emotions that had disappeared, he felt it again.

Anger, sadness, happiness, and mostly, pain. He felt all of those at the same time.

He don't know if he should be happy that he had finally died, or be mad the fact that he had died without even succeeding.

"I can't.. I can't.."

Cale barrow, he was now breaking down into pieces.

"I'm sorry, I can't.. I couldn't take revange.. no, why are they doing this to me? Why can't I live normally? Do I deserved this? If I hadn't done that.. everything should have been fine!"

The tears kept on falling into his eyes.

Pain that he endured since he was a kid.

It was.. not worth it.

The hard work he had done just to be a God and get revenge to the God that had put curse on him, no it felt like he had done those for nothing.

He can't accept it, why must God hate him so much..?

God of death glance at the poor child in front of him.

'Hahh, sealed God. Tch, I guess I feel pity to this child for the first time. I should give him the peace he wanted.'


Done! Hehehehehe kept imaging what will happen next Soo bye~~

(Should I continue this? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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