Chapter 2

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I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like, is any of this for real, or not?

Kida lives at the Destiny Islands, a nice collection of islands far away from any other civilization. She has lived there for about ten years now. Along with Kida was her twin sister Kairi and their older brother Lauriam. The girls wanted to explore whatever was beyond the islands considering they were very young when they moved to The Islands and they don't really have an idea of what's out there.

One day, while her older siblings worked on the raft they were gonna use to go exploring, Kida was fast asleep on the beach. She opens her eyes, only to be spooked by Kairi. She freaks out, sitting up quickly as Kairi giggles to herself. Kida turns to face her.

"Give me a break, Kairi." Kida says. Kairi smirks. "Kida, you lazy bum. How did I know I could catch you snoozing down here?" Kida crosses her arms, almost huffing. Being the youngest of three siblings, she always got teased for the littlest things.

Kairi walks over to the edge of the shore, close to where sand and sea met. "Kairi, do you remember home?" Kida changes the subject. "You know, where we grew up?" Kairi responds. "I told you before, I don't remember."

"Have you thought about going back?" Kida asks. She herself had wanted to find wherever she came from. She knew that she wasn't born on the Destiny Islands and wanted to at least know where exactly she came from. "Well, I'm happy here. Plus, you and Lauriam make me happy. As long as I'm with you guys, anywhere is home." Kida smiles to herself. Kairi was always the sentimental one out of the three. "But, I would like to see where we came from." Kairi says.

"Me too. Along with anything else that may be out there." Kida agrees with Kairi. Kairi turns to Kida. "What are we waiting for, then? Let's go!"

The two heard a third voice behind them. "Aren't you guys forgetting about me? You know, the guy doing the heavy lifting?" The girls turn to see their older brother Lauriam. He wasn't much older than them, him being 19 and them being 14. He was carrying a huge log in his arm. He walks closer the the girls, tossing the log to Kida. She tries to catch it, but failing miserably.

"You're just as bad as her." Lauriam jokingly says to Kairi. "All I'm saying is, older sibling should know better." Kida stands up, arms clutching onto the log. "Really shirking off your responsibilities as a big sister there, Kai." She jokes.

"Alright, we'll finish it together." Kairi says. "I'll race you." The other two sit down, Lauriam mostly from exhaustion and Kida because she just didn't want to. "Right now?" The two asks. The three started rushing off at Kairi's word, laughing as they go.

A while later, after fixing up the raft, Kida finds her way to the Secret Place. She looks over to the wall, seeing a chalked simplistic drawing of her, Kairi, and Lauriam. The three drew it 10 years ago after they got to the islands. Kida picks up a rock, adding a star to the drawing. Her way of saying she doesn't want to loose her siblings.

The star was inspired by the legend of the paupo fruit. Whoever shared the one of the rare fruit would be connected for eternity. She wanted to share the actual fruit with her siblings, but she didn't know how to bring it up. As she looks over to her finished star, she hears a voice behind her.

This World Has Been Connected

Kida turns around to the source of the voice. She sees a burlap sack in the shape of a hooded coat. "Who are you?" She asks, standing up. "I've come the see the door to this world." She turns to the gold trimmed door with no handle that had been in the Secret Place for a while. She points to it while looking back at him, asking if that was the door he was talking about.

"This world has been connected, tied to the darkness." He says. "Soon to be completely eclipsed." She tilts her head to the side. "Are you from another world?"

"You do not yet know what lies beyond the door." He continues, as if he doesn't hear her questions. "There is so very much to learn. You understand so little." "You're wrong about me. I'm going to get out there and learn about what's out there."

"A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing." He leaves, leaving Kida in the Secret Place, alone. She walks out, meeting up with Kairi and Lauriam on the smaller island. She climbs up on the tree, sitting next to Kairi.

"So, our first home is out there somewhere?" She turns to Lauriam, who was standing next to the tree. He shrugs. "We'll only know once we get out there and look for ourselves." "But, how far could a raft take us?" Kairi asks. "And, if you do get there, what would you do?"

Lauriam took a second. "Well, come to think of it, we don't remember our parents." He starts. "I'd mostly want to go find them. Find out what they're like."

Kida listens intently. Their mother died not long after the twins were born and the trio hardly remembered their father. She wanted to meet him. Later that night, Lauriam goes into the Secret Place, Kairi following close behind. A storm started not long afterwards.

A while afterwards, Kida tries searching the island for them. She finds Lauriam on the secluded island. She runs to him. "Lauriam, what's happening? Where's Kairi?!" "The door has been opened, Kida! We can finally leave this raging dumpster fire of an island!"

"We need to find Kairi!" Kida says, scared out of her mind. "Kairi is coming with us." Lauriam says as a pool of darkness starts forming under him. "Once we step through, we might not return or be able to see our friends again. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!" He reaches out to Kida as the darkness tries to take a hold of him. Kida tries reaching out to him. With a flash of light, Lauriam was gone.

Kida looks down to her left hand, which was now holding a large key.

Keyblade... Keyblade...

Kida doesn't think anything of it and runs towards the Secret Place. She finds Kairi standing next to the door. "Kairi?!"

She turns around, her eyes grey and her expression sleepy. "Ki-" the door opens and rushing winds sends Kairi flying towards Kida, but she disappears before Kida could catch her. The wind picks up, pushing Kida out.

And, just like that, the islands were lost...

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