Chapter 4

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Kida wakes up, hearing a growling noise. She looks up, seeing Fifi growling at her. "Ah, what a dream." She rests her head down, only for Fifi to start barking at her. She wakes up startled, looking at Fifi. "I guess it wasn't a dream." She gets up, looking around. This new place looked a lot like the main island back at her home, but she didn't feel like she was home. It felt, different. "What happened to my home?" she asks herself.

She tuns to the nearby shop and walks in, to be greeted by a shorter man dressed in a full green bodysuit working the counter. "Um, hello?" she walks up to the counter, getting the man's attention. "Ooh! Hello, little girl." His voice was oddly high pitched.

"Hi. Where are we?" Kida asks the strange man. In his chipper voice, he replies. "This is Termina. A world that exists when a world gets popped out of existence and the people end up here." The man explains.

After a long conversation, Kida walks out of the shop. Before she was able to go further into the civilization, shadowy monsters appear in front of her. The big key appears in her hand once again.

You've gained the power to fight...
It's also your power to survive...

Kida hacks down the monsters. She hears a voice behind her. "The Heartless will keep coming after you." She turns to see a blue bird creature perched on a nearby roof. "So long as you wield The Keyblade, you're a threat to them."

The creature points to the giant key in Kida's hand. What is a Keyblade, though? "But why did it pick you, of all people." The creature rears up to take flight. "Let's see that." Kida then gets overprotective. "There's no way I'm letting you get this."

After a short fight, the two of them were on their last legs, but Kida had won the fight. She then passes out. "You're slipping, Raroh." The bird creature, still out of breath, turns behind him. There stood a young woman around Kida's height. She had red hair, green eyes, and chestnut skin tone.

"I went easy on her." Raroh says, the two looking back at Kida. She kept a tight grasp on the Keyblade even while asleep. "Things must be even worse than we thought, if the Keyblade picked her."

Elsewhere, Lauriam wakes up. He looks around the new area. He thinks he recognizes it, but not knowing from where. He calls out to his sisters, but received no reply.

Off in the distance, a tall man in a dark suit and top hat watches Lauriam from a distance.

Back at Termina, Daisy and Clarabelle found  their way to the clock tower. Making thier way up the stairs, they meet up with a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her purple dress indicates royalty.  "Excuse me." Daisy says, tying to get the young woman's attention. "Have you seen Raroh around here?"

The young woman turns around."Are you here because of The Queen's letter?" She asks the two, getting nods from both in return. "Come with me. This is a private conversation." The two follow the woman to a room on the ground level of the clock tower.


Kida wakes up a while later. She looks around, seeing herself in a room of an inn. The bed wasn't too hard, but not all that comfortable either. "Are you ok?" She hears a voice. Looking over to the source, Kida sees Kairi. She takes an audible sigh of relief. Kairi was ok.

"I think I'm ok." Kida rubs her head, sitting up. "Those creatures that attacked you are after your Keyblade, but it's actually your heart they want, because you wield it." Kida shakes her head. She didn't care about this 'Keyblade', all she wanted was to find her siblings and get home. Kairi was right here with her, they just needed to find Lauriam and find a way back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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