Chapter 1

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                               (Y/N)'s POV

                                                I ground and I shot up taking a look around, hi I'm (Y/N) Neopolitan but I mostly go by Neo, I was helping Cinder and fighting that dame little red. I then fell into some kind of abyss and now I'm in a forest?, I'm confused by this, I looked around me and I saw my umbrella hush and............................Melodic Cudgel, Roman's cane. I got up and picked it up and I held it close to me, I then thought "Roman, I couldn't avenge you" I picked up my umbrella and I opened it to block the sun and I headed in a random Direction. After a few minutes walking in the woods I came to a clearing and I noticed two others here as well and one of them is Pyrrha Nikos but I thought she was dead, and the other is Sienna Khan the former leader of the White Fang. We all look at each other until we all rushed into the clearing and pointed our weapons at each other, Sienna got into a fighting stances with her whip chain and Pyrrha got her spear and shield out while I used Roman's cane in its gun mode and I pointed it at them. We where like this for,Five minutes in silence until Pyrrha said "it looks like we are at a stand still" I nodded and Sienna said "I agree human, thow I never imagine I be with one with a celebrity" I took out my scroll and I typed then I showed them "i agree but I never thought I be able to fight Zombies" they looked at me confused and Pyrrha said "I remember you, Yang told me about you, you work with Roman Torchwick, so tell us how are we Zombies?" Sienna then said "as this hurts me I agree with the human" I then typed another message and I showed them "Pyrrha Nikos died by Cinder at the battle of Beacon and to what I heard in a certain spiders network Sienna was killed by Adam" Sienna gritted her teeth and said "I was there but I thought I made it out somehow" Pyrrha then said "I remember that, I was turn to dust, but how am I alive?!" I just shrugged my shoulders and I typed another message and I said "if your wondering, I fell into an Abyss during the fall of Atlas" they both looked shocked and I get it. Just then the ground began to shake and a hole opened up beneath us and we all fall into it.
                                            Pyrrha used her spear to slow her fall, Sienna used her whip to catch a rock and she swinged her way down, as for Moi I used hush to safely fall down the hole. Once the two gotten to the bottom they where exhausted while I softly touched the bottom with a smug look on my face. The both glared at My smugness and Sienna said "shut up" I made a soundless giggle and I then looked around the place and I noticed a man made stone arch, I arched my brow and I typed on my scroll and gave it to Pyrrha and it said "do you guys see that arch?" She looked to where I was looking and she said "that's odd" Sienna looked at it too and she said "did we fall into a ruin?" Pyrrha then started thinking for a moment then she said "I think we should form a temporary truce for now" Sienna thought about it with a grumpy look then her ears flattened to her head in defeat and said "I have to agree, to what she said is true then it's best we work together for now" I just gave Pyrrha a look and she replied "look I now you may not trust someone who was training to be a huntress but we may have a big problem. On my way to the clearing I couldn't find a single Grimm or any traces of them and since two of us died which means" Sienna then continued in realization and said "we may not be in remnant" I thought about it myself and she's right I walked in the woods before but even in less populat Grimm areas has at least some traces of Grimm. I sighed and Pyrrha handed me back my scroll and I typed "I see what you mean and unfortunately I have to agree, but betray me and your dead" a thought came to mind and I typed "again ". Pyrrha nodded and Sienna gave me a look Sayin the same thing, we venture pass the arch and we headed into a hallway and I can tell that who ever built this wants to keep it safe. I broke into many buildings to know the sings of protection, I stopped Everyone and I picked up a pebble and I threw it and spears came out of the wall. They both looked at me and I typed "I broke into a lot of places you don't think I can spot a booby trap" Sienna smirked and said "it looks like we have a volunteer on who is walking in front" I glared at her and I used an ice dust bullet to freeze where the spears came out from, after that there where similar traps but thanks to me we where able to Dodge them. Once we are at the end of the hall we entered a big room with tall pillars and at one side is a giant metal door and one the other is a big coffin and two stone boxes on pedestals. I went over to the coffin and the other two looked at me and Pyrrha said "grave robbing really " I inspected it and it's strange I've seen Atlas robot containers before and I can tell that's its similar. I motioned them to come here and once they did I typed "I don't think it's a coffin, looks more like a container that you see in Atlas" Sienna then said "I agree then it must be treasure or something " I then typed "I call the coffin" Sienna looked at me and barked "why should you?!" I replied "I took care of the traps, A-L-L of them" she sighed in defeat and said "I'll take the pedestal on the right" Pyrrha then said "is this really ok, I mean this is stealing" I then typed "this place is clearly abandoned, plus if we are in a different dimension or something, we need money, of course someone like you wouldn't understand " she gave me a pouty face and marched to the left one to prove a point.
I let them open there's first because it's going to be a bit for me to opened mine, Pyrrha opened her's first and it's a golden key. She then shivered and she said "guys, I think this key somehow connected it self to my aura" Sienna looked at her and she opened her box and grabbed another key and she shivered as well. She then said "she's not kidding I definitely felt it connected " I then looked at mine and I wonder if it will do the same. It took me a few but it finally opened, but I didn't expect it to be a fanus, She has pale sink with cat ears and a tail, her hair is white and is at neck length, her outfit is a blue button up shirt with long sleeves and a pair of tan shorts but her hands and legs look like she has an exoskeleton. I then touched her and I felt that connection they where talking about, once that happened her eyes opened and I saw her red scarlet eyes, she got out of it and she locked eyes with me and she got on one knee and said "hello my master" I was weirded out by this and I heard a growl from Sienna and I typed "it's not like I plan this so chill!" I looked back at the person in the coffin and I typed "ok who are you?, and what do you mean by master?" She read it and replied "my name is Neferpitou and I'm your Imperial arms, more specifically I'm an organic type, if I take damage I can regenerate as long as my core is not destroyed" I understood some of that but that's fare of my head.
I looked at her and I typed "what's an Imperial arms?" She read it and said "an imperial arms is apart of a 48 collection of powerful weapons and artifacts and only the strongest can wield them. They where commissioned by the first emperor in order to protect his empire, I was place here for safe keeping along with two others who take the form of keys". I looked at the keys and the two did as well and Neferpitou then said "the key of the maiden Virgo and the key of the Ram Aries, there both are organic types but once you called here names they take there humanoid form" I then typed to Sienna "you first" She nodded and said "Virgo" a gold light appeared and a bell was heard and once it died down there was a woman with pink hair and in a maid dress, on her wrist were shackles with chains connected to them. Virgo bowed and said "greetings my mistress I am Virgo" Sienna had a satisfied smile on and she said "I really like mine" I gave her a really look and Pyrrha said "ok how about we get out of here" I nodded and I typed to Neferpitou "is there a way out, because it's going to take forever to open that old door" Virgo replied" I can dig a hole threw the door to get out, besides my maid duties I can dig into any material like soft dirt no matter the material" Sienna then said "then do it" Virgo nodded and she walked to the metal door and put her hand on it and all of a sudden a big perfect circle appeared in the door making a hole in the metal. Me and Pyrrha where shocked by this while Sienna smugly said "well, looks like I got a keeper ".
We exited the ruins and are back in the forest again and we headed deeper into the forest, after a few minutes of walking we stopped to set up camp. Virgo made used the earth to make rock tents so we have shelter while Pyrrha went to find food and as for me, Neferpitou has force me to sit in her lap and won't let me go and Sienna is setting up the camp fire. She then said "so what happened to the white fang?" I then typed "as fare as I know it was left in ruins and a new peaceful one took its place" she snorted and said "it seemed that Adam did let it to ruins" I then heard Pitou purr and I actually couldn't help but smile. I then heard a loud boom and I see a Ram fanus with pink hair and a wool dress helping Pyrrha with some kinda of mutant tiger- wait, MUTANT TIGER! Pyrrha them put down the tiger and said "everyone this is Aries" she shyly greeted us "h-hello everyone I'm Ar-Aries" I couldn't help but stare at her because her dress dose not hide her figure. Aries then went back into the key and Pyrrha skinned the tiger and we are now roasting its meat, I then typed but before I can show it Pitou took my scroll and said "my Master said "what is that thing you killed?" end of text" I looked at her and she just smiled at me and said "I'll be your voice master" I didn't feel like arguing so I just let it be and Pyrrha said "I have no clue, it looked like a Tiger but with a horn and two fangs that look like stone knifes" I looked to Pitou and she explained "that is a danger beast, they are creatures with either physical and mysterious powers, a lot of the imperial arms are made from them like yours truly. I was created by using two danger beasts a chimera ant and a wild strength cat, the unique thing about the strength cat they are both genders" I looked at her and she only smiled at me and if there's one thing about me is that besides my two different eye colors I was born with both male and female organs, in normal turns I'm a Futa. But I have never met another person like me so I'm actually glad. Back to what's at hand we all looked to the sky and saw something that confirmed our theory, the moon was not broken, combined with the imperial arms and danger beasts, Sienna then said "we are definitely in another world" I nodded and I typed and Pitou read it "my master said "I agree, then I doubt we can go back because I think we are officially dead by now. So what do we do now?" The other two thought about it and decided to sleep on it so we ate our tiger meat and headed to bed.
In the morning we all gather and I typed and Pitou read "my master said "so I've made up my mind and I can go either way, after all anyone is better compared to Cinder" end texted" . Sienna then said "as painful as it is for me to work with you humans, given I have no Choice I agree to work with you" I nodded and we all looked to Pyrrha and she said "I will work with you guys but on one condition, no unnecessary killing, if we encounter bandits or similar circumstances that's ok" I nodded and then we all looked at Sienna and we just stared at her and her ears shot up and she said a little annoyed "Ok!, dame humans" . I smiled and I typed and Pitou said "my master said "now we finally figured everything out first things first we need to find civilization!" End of text" they nodded and we headed on our way, it's bing an hour and we found a road so lucky us. After another hour we still didn't spot a town but we did found a sign so we do know we are going the right way and at this time Pitou decided to piggyback me and I find this extremely odd so I typed and I showed Pitou and it said "why are you so clingy to me?" Pitou then replied "well my first master was the kings youngest daughter so I was assigned as to be her body guard and you remind me of her" I arched my brow and she said "I can only submit to those with both strength and confidence to match, so your the perfect fit" I understand this time and she's not wrong. A thought then popped in my head and I typed "I never asked what are your abilities?" She read it and then answered "well besides my strength I can control a huge amount of people like puppets, I can also heal people and I know a lot of medical stuff but while I used that ability I can't move. I can also increase my own strength and speed by controlling my self that's my trump card and while it's active I can continue to fight even without a head. I also can release a aura that allows me to track anyone in a set area but I can't move while using it" I was awwed Strucked by this and I thought "I picked the one man army!" After that I looked into the distance and I saw black smoke in the air and that can only mean one thing trouble, the others noticed this as well and we rushed to were it's coming from. Once we got close we climbed into the trees and watched what's happening and we see soldiers attaching a small village and in the middle is a fat ugly guy with another guy with armor and I assumed he lead the soldiers.
                                     Sienna summoned Virgo before hand and I then typed "I guess this is a better time to test this worlds fighting capability and get some supplies". Sienna nodded and said "I agree we are low on dust as it is and hopefully we can at least get some weapons" Pyrrha then asked "so how should we do it?" And I idea popped into my head I typed "I can use my semblance to disguise myself as a  soldier and kill off a few to Pitou can use her control abilities. While Sienna causes some chaos and Pyrrha given your the only one with a gun you snipe them" I then jumped down  and I casually walked up to one of them while changing my appearance into one of them. I tapped the guys shoulder and he turned to me and I waved, while he was confused I stabbed his neck killing him, then I saw some kind of creepy clown thing above him and strings attaching them selfs to his limbs then he got up but still dead. I smiled and went to kill a few more and by now I have killed eight and that's when I heard an explanation. I turned to the center of town and I saw Sienna killing a lot of them using her chain whip's dust infused blades to kill a bunch at once while I heard Pyrrha used her gun mode to snipe at the soldiers and I saw Virgo using her powers to trap soldiers in holes. I then typed to Pitou "you can attack them now" I saw the puppets move and I acted like I was a normal soldier and I ran to the two men and the fat guy said "what's happened!?, Who are they!?" The guy in armor said "I don't know but who ever they are they must have imperial arms" I then tapped the armor guy on the shoulder and he turned around and I acted exhausted and I pointed to the puppets killing the soldiers and he said "looks like some betrayed us" he turned his back to me and shouted to his men "soldiers of the Empire kill all those pesents and those back stabbers I want to see them-" I took out Roman's cane in gun mode and I pulled the trigger shooting him in the head. He fell down and the fat guy fell to the ground afraid and my disguise shattered reveling my true self and I looked at the fat guy with a smirk and I got hush and I pulled out it's blade and I was about to kill him until a some of the few remaining soldiers took several shots at me lowering my aura into the yellow but it gave me time to wait for there guns clips to run out. I then dashed to them and I jumped onto one of them and I stabbed him in the spine and I did a back flip and I slashed two of them. Pitou them came and crushed the remaining ones and I was pleased, I then casually walked to the fat guy and I gave a smug smirk and he said "Please!, Please!, I beg of you, I can pay you, pay you a Fortune to work for me all you need to do is kill these vermin that is unfortunately my subjects!" I then stopped and a wicked smirk grew on my face, I then typed and I show him and it said "anything you say?" He nodded and I typed again and it said "I want information and you'll give it to me if you like it or not" his face paled and I stabbed his leg with my blade and he screamed and passed out. The fight was over and some of the soldiers remain alive to get interrogated then to what I assume is the village elder came out of his hiding spot and came up to me and said "thank you Ms, thank you for saving us, my I Please know your name?" I looked to Pitou and I remember I never told her my name, I then typed on my scroll and it said "(Y/N) NeoPolitan, but you can call me Neo".

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