Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

                                              After the howl village being raided by there countries own soldiers we took what they had and the village offered to give us shelter as a thank you. Of course we agreed and we where lucky some of the houses didn't caught on fire, right now I have bing watching Pitou lobotomize the fat lord and normally this will gross anyone out but I have bing entrance by this for some reason. The door to the house opened and Pyrrha came in and said "ok, I got information from the elder and-" she then noticed Pitou doing brain surgery and she was kinda horrified and I typed "I know but I'm only doing this for info plus for some reason I can't look away" she only looked at me then Pitou said " I think I got it mistress " I looked back to them and the fat lord said "Empire..........kill............... rebels and............. Commerce" Pitou then said "that's all I got from him" I nodded and I released hush's blade and stabbed him in the heart to end him. I then typed and Pitou read "my master said " so what did the elder say?" End text" Pyrrha then motioned me to follow her and I saw some of the villagers packing and I guess it's there only option since I just killed there lord so yeah. She lead us to a covered wagon and Sienna and Virgo are putting our stolen supplies. Sienna noticed us and she said "good what did the elder say?" Pyrrha then said "the nearest city is the royal Capital and it's a weeks Journey from here" I nodded then I typed and Pitou read "mistress said "I heard there are rebels so this empire is probably not in the best shap right now" end text" Sienna nodded and she said "we should head out now" we nodded and we left to head to this empire's Capital.

                                                A week on the road with a wanted criminal, a terrorist, and a huntress with magic treasures, if I had to put it in one word I call it weird. While we where riding Pitou hasn't stopped cuddling me, I mean I don't mind but she doesn't let me do anything not that I mind but I still want too do stuff. Right now we are a day away from the capital and Pitou is cuddling me like a teddy bear and the others are setting up camp, Sienna growled and said "when are you going to help on this trip?" I typed and Pitou read "mistress said "blame Pitou she hasn't let me go since we left" end text". Pyrrha then said "come on guys we are just one day away from the Capital can we not fight" we both sighed and then I was able to escape from her grasped and I went to scout the forest, when we camp one of us scout the area to make shure there's no bandits or monsters, as I was jumping from tree to tree I spotted a wires, by my guest theses are alarms, I went to the tallest tree and used a telescope to look around and I noticed an old fortress and I made a mental note"keep this area in mind in the future " I then went back to the camp and I was met with Pitou hugging me. The next day we continue until we reached the capital, once we pass the front gates we were met with a grand city with lots of people but the atmosphere reminds me of Atlas. Sienna then asked "you noticed it too?" I nodded and Pyrrha asked "noticed what?" I then typed and Pitou said "mistress said"for a happy place everyone looks sad" end text" she then looked at the people and said "your right, wondered what's up?" Sienna then said "probably a Great Depression " I nodded we decided to try and find a nice secure spot.

                                                  Once in a dark alleyway we parked the wagon and Pyrrha asked "so what do we do now?" Sienna then said "we need two things, information and a hideout" i then typed and Pitou said "mistress said"I'll handle the hideout, when me and Roman were on the run and had to change hideouts and I may know a thing or two about finding one" end text" Sienna nodded and said "me and Pyrrha will gather info and we'll leave it to you, we'll meet back here in an hour" we nodded and went our separate ways. Me and Pitou wondered around the city and I have to say, it's terrible, for normal people but for criminals it's a huge payday. As We were walking down a street in a shopping District I saw a blond girl in a blue dress with a brown haired boy carrying way to many bags and boxes but what caught my attention is the fancy carriage and some guards, a spoiled rich kid most likely, I was going to ignore them but Pitou grabbed me and I looked to see she has a serious look and she said "master, that girl reeks of blood" that cought my attention.

Given what Pitou said we followed them all the way to a mansion and it looks nice, nice enough for us. When we got back to the cart the other two were waiting and Sienna said "there you are, found a place?" I nodded and I pointed to them to give the info, Sienna sighed and said "well besides the depression this place reeks of corruption" Pyrrha nodded and said "yes, they even do public executions so I suggest we stay on there good side for now, not to mention I'd heard a lot of homeless people go missing after a noble woman takes them in" I snapped my fingers to get there attention and I typed and Pitou said "mistress said "I saw a noble girl today with a guy that dose not look like he's from the city and Pitou said she reeked of blood" end text" Sienna then thought about it and said "that's most likely her" I then showed them her mansion and Pitou then explained "my mistress came up with this idea, we murder the nobles and use there mansion as a base". Sienna gave me a look and Pyrrha said "so your suggesting we kill a noble family for there house?" I nodded and Sienna said "you do see the major issue there right?" I then typed and Pitou said "mistress said "with my semblance we can easily impersonat them and besides given they kill people we can use there house for our activities" end text"

                                                                Pyrrha looks like she was thinking of something and she took a deep sigh and asked "are we really going to do this?" Sienna replied "well it's better or nothing plus I'm used to taking this action " I nodded and I typed and Pitou said "mistress said "plus we've be doing this city a favor, ain't you huntresses always go on about justice and stuff" end text" she then shot me a glare and she just sighed. She then asked "so what's the plane?" I then showed them the other pictures I took and Pitou explained "the plan is simple, mistress will infiltrate the mansion and on the night they try to kill her, you two will enter the check points blind spots and we kill them and who ever is in our way" Sienna then asked "and how are you going to infiltrate the mansion?" I smirked and I snapped my fingers and I showed my perfect disguise.

(A/N: ok sorry for it being very short but I wanted to put the disguise and infiltration part of the shows main plot at the first seen we meet Night raid so I hope you enjoy)

night raids Neapolitan (AGK harem x futa Neo reader)Where stories live. Discover now