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When they stepped outside the house, the city was cold.

It was an odd sensation --- it was the first time in the four lives' that Silkton was not extremely hot. But it was not a Second Ice Age.

"I think there's really been an Ice Age, The Anti was telling the truth for once," Jay says. "But it's like he said --- once he kept the city warm, then some of the ice melted."

Logar nods. "Scientifically speaking, the warmth climate during The Anti's youth made it impossible to have an Ice Age that was like the others --- after some time, the ice and snow had to melt. Still, it makes it even more infuriating that the bastard decided to warm this city, and country, just for tourism."

"But this helps us understand why the other countries did not experience such an issue," Percie says. "I'm sure that the world leaders decided on a similar approach, but smaller in scale. This is also why Silkton was the hottest city in the world, and the best for tourism."

"Yes, Europe-wise at the very least," Ane comments. "If Italy, Greece and Spain were cold at any time of year, then it makes sense one would go to Silkton. The Southern Emisphere, however, did not experience the Ice Age, or the worst of it."

"So now it's all out, for everyone," Logar sighs. "And we don't have anyone in control who can fix this. Economically, politically and climatically, we need someone who does the opposite of what The Anti has done, and not just for show, like our current President."

"The current President we shot in the legs," Percie frowns. "Where is he?"

That is the moment when two helicopters fly down, and meet the Power of Sight in front of the house of the President.

"Jay Cincinnati," a man says. "You're under arrest for murdering The Anti President, for shooting your rifle in a public place and for running away once we told you you were arrested. The other three of you, you're under arrest for helping her."

"No," Logar Iris replies, a raptured look on his face. "No, give me your phone."

"What?" the man asks. But his phone is taken by Logar.

"I do not know the names of the popular apps anymore," Logar says. "I remember some from ages ago, from the history books, but I haven't had a phone in a while. Still, I can tell that LiveGram is to post live films, right?"

He doesn't wait for an answer. He clicks on the app.

"Oh, sweet! This is where you record. I'm betting a men of the President like you has many followers, all in politics."

Logar clicks on the button, and fits your sneering face into the camera.

"Hello," he says. "The Prophet of the Vision here. You might have noticed that Silkton went a little cold in the past half an hour. Those of you who were at the beach, or in the swimming pool, might feel cheated. I suggest you to go home and wear a sweater, pour yourself a nice cup of hot cocoa... but, oh, right! You can't do that! Because Silkton has been so hot, for so many years, that you cannot do either of those things. We're not equipped for the real English weather!"

The man from before tries to fit into the live transmission. "Why do you sound so smug?" he asks. "Did you change the weather?"

Logar ignores for a moment how stupid the question is. "Old people at the care homes, or locked up in their homes, will thank us. They won't die of heat anymore. And people who have been sick from the heat for years, like my mother, will not die unnecessary deaths anymore. And no, you idiot, we did not change the weather. It was Michaim Toutatis who changed it in the first place. Have you ever heard of this naughty joke? It starts like this, what is a lever doing in the President's bedroom?"

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