Past - Percie

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Sometimes The Anti couldn't follow through with all of his promises. We did get to the monastery, but then it turned out that people weren't ready to welcome us again yet, so we had to stay inside and we couldn't go to the funeral.

The first day at the monastery was really hard for us.

We were still grieving, and we had to be welcomed in by those creepy monks who wore grey hooded camisoles. On their hood there was a V for Vision.

When Logar almost spat in the face of an older one, and asked him what they believed in before there was us, the man just smiled grotesquely.

The Anti explained sheepishly, "I've only just found you, but I've been cultivating my Vision for years. I founded this particular cult years ago, and they believe about the same things we believe. That there will be a great change in society, and that you will bring it. And that Logar will be the visionary."

All the monks knelt their heads. "Hail the Visionary!"

A younger one stopped the coreography mid-sentence to ask, "Will we have to hang him on the cross?"

He looked genuinely concerned.

"No," The Anti said, though I could swear he looked as if he'd just had another mad idea.

Logar shot a terrible look of hate at the young monk. I could see why. He felt threatened. And not because of the question, but because Logar was used to being the most impressive person in a room.

And the young man was perhaps even more impressive than him. With white blond hair and naive blue eyes, he looked much younger than his age, but he was extremely good-looking and tall. At five feet seven, he was small but bigger than Logar, and I know this displeased our Visionary. Logar was well-proportioned, but the stranger had very long legs that made him appear taller.

"Go to your rooms," The Anti said. "Tomorrow, after a long night of sleep, you will join the monastery's activities, and they will tell you of something they thought for you in particular."

Everyone knew Sveta's trial was about to come, but I could swear that with 'you' he meant Logar.

"Fuck you!" Logar yelled. "Lix was just murdered, you piece of..."

One of the older monks took out a baton from his robe and hit Logar on the head. He fell limp on the floor.

I think I cried, or shouted, because it reminded me of what had just happened to Lix. But Logar had only fainted, or, as the monk put it, 'he was taught his bed-times'.

The blond boy looked at Logar. "Can I help?" he asked.

"No," I replied sharply, and we went to our respective rooms.

I was actually pretty relieved to see Logar eating breakfast with us the following morning. Even though he had a blue-ish bruise on one side of the face, that made me sick for a very high number of reasons. I loathed the way the monk had acted with him, and I was disappointed in the way The Anti hadn't stepped in. 

"Where is Sveta?" I asked. Logar only shook his head, defeated. I realized I'd have to ask The Anti about her later.

The blond boy took his piece of bread and sat next to Logar. 

The Visionary's face could only be described as horrified.

"Hello," the man said. I had trouble thinking of him as a young man -- he really looked like a boy. "My name is Jonath."

I started laughing and spit my soup. I felt little weird since Lix died, but  Logar looked at me a little worried.

"What's the problem?" Jonath said defensively. "I can leave if you don't want me."

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