TellTale Batjokes: Sick John

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John Has a Habit of Staying outside when it rains, And staying outside when it stops. Not caring if his clothes were wet and cold.

Why? It's because he never felt the rain. He was always stuck In Arkham, Unable to see rain. Only through the broken, Windows could he see the down pouring water.

Well, He did Care a tiny bit. Looking up at the raining sky, John jumped up and landed in a puddle, Bruce was watching from the dryness of his house as he stared at John through the window.

He pulled the window up and clear his throat, "Come on John, Im pretty sure your getting cold. I can see you shaking".

"Aw but Brucie! Its not done raining yet!" John Whined throwing his arms up.

"Come on John, Your cold. Come in and take a warm shower, Then you can do whatever you want".

"Fine", John Sniffled as he let out a sneeze, He walked into the warm house and began to shiver a little more.

"Come on Buddy, Lets get you dried off and new clothes", Bruce Picked John Up bridal style and walked up the steps to the bathroom.
Once they were in the bathroom, Bruce began to Assist John in stripping from his wet clothes, Turning the water on John stepped into the water letting out a small moan in comfort.

"Can i sleep in the warm water? It feels nice".

"No I dont think thats a good idea. What if you slide down, and I wouldn't be able to catch you".

" It because I could drown?" John Tilted his head back as Bruce began to Wet his hair to apply the Shampoo.

"Mhm, That And I just Prefer you to be by my side".

"Did you Know that in-ACK-"  John Closed his eyes water went into his face, He green leaf green hair flopped to the front of his face and stuck there. Bruce Began to laugh as he brushed His hair away from his eyes.

"Warn a man before you do that buddy", John scowled as he Scooped a bit of water In his hands in the shape of a small bowl.

"Do you know why I like to Be in the rain,Bruce?"


"Its because...Back in Arkham, We were never allowed out. Well...Most of us. See Some of the 'Sane' People. They are allowed outside for meditational purposes. While..The unstable ones like ME", John hissed through clenched teeth then coughed.

"We cant. because the last time Someone that was not 'sane'. They tried to escape. one of them ended up getting shot at. Dont get me started when its cold. Its Awful in there." John chuckled as he Purred feeling Bruce Wash His Hair.

"How long Have you been there?"

John Paused as the let out a hum. Bruce was right, How long has he been in the Asylum? He couldn't have just been dropped off, or Be rejected.

"I-Im not sure buddy", he let out a dry chuckle, Rolling his eyes he poked at the side of the bathtub with a sigh.

"No one even has my Records of when I arrived", John Paused thinking, "Come to think of it..Dr Leland Never told me how I arrived..Oh well". He clicked his tongue and felt Bruce rinse out the rest of The Conditioner out of his hair.

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