Chapter 3

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After a few moments of silence, one of the portraits on the wall spoke up.

"Professor if I may, I was sat here listening to every word Professor Trelawney said as she was describing the battle to us who are unfortunately stuck in these paintings when she went rigid. I believe she was predicting something, so curiously I listened to what she said, her voice was hoarse and she looked very distant, she-"

"Thank you, Albus but would you please get to the prediction.

"Very well Minerva, she said 'the boy who lived will live again, the dark Lord shall be defeated and those who were closest to the boy shall walk this earth once more' and I believe that is all I have to say on the matter."

"Very well, who else do you think was close to you Harry?" Asked Lily, eager to hear some good news.

"Sirius, he-"

Harry was interrupted but James who had begun singing at the top of his lungs and did a little victory dance, Harry couldn't help but laugh.

"What about Fred, I heard that Molly Weasley was distraught after her son died." Lily knew how hard it was to feel like you have lost a child forever, she thought that she too had lost a son.

"I don't know about Fred, but maybe Professor Lupin, sorry I mean Remus."

James nearly choked "Professor Lupin, he... he was a... a" this was all he said before erupting into uncontrollable laughter.

"Yes Mr Potter," James sat up straight and immediately stopped laughing, McGonagall always had a way of getting James' attention, she smiled at this "he taught Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry's third year."

"Well what are we waiting for, let's find them" Harry said, eager to see the people that were the most like a family to him, other than the Weasleys.

They did not leave however, instead they discussed where they were likely to find the people that rose from the dead.

"Well where did you two wake up then?" Asked Harry after almost an hour.

"Why didn't we think of that before, we woke up in our graves." James replied.

"That could prove problematic for Sirius, Professor McGonagall, could we have someone check the department of mysteries?"

"Harry there are people checking the ministry as we speak, I will contact Kingsley immediately. In the mean time we should check the dead, I believe that Remus is there."

As if on cue, Molly burst into the room sobbing, something about Fred, Tonks and Remus. Ron and Hermione who had remained silent, probably still shocked from previous events left with her and tried to calm her down while the rest rushed to the room of requirement, where they were keeping the dead to see what was going on.

Once they got there they knew something wasn't right, there were 3 beds empty and George was sat in the corner crying. Harry tried to calm George down a bit, he still couldn't imagine losing a twin. After what felt like hours they had managed to get George to talk, however all he could say was "Fred he's gone, Remus and Tonks as well, what happened to them? where are they?"

It seemed that George had given Harry an idea, because he was racing towards Griffindor common room faster than you could say quidditch. Once he got back he was slightly sweaty and out of breath, he must have ran all the way there and back.

How could I have been so stupid, Harry thought. "We want to find Fred, Remus and Tonks, yes? Well then this might help." Harry pulled out an old, folded up piece of parchment, James gasped and started giggling with excitement as Harry said "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

George was looking strangely at Lily and James, the man looked giddy with excitement as Harry opened up the map, he thought that the man looked familiar. Harry, the man was exactly like Harry, apart from his eyes, he had the lady's eyes, green and almond shaped. "Harry? Harry are these your parents?"

Harry looked up from the map at George, he had forgotten to tell George. "Look George, There is a slight chance that Fred, Remus and Tonks are still alive but don't get your hopes up, I can't promise you anything"

"Okay" George smiled weakly, then laughed as James snatched the map from Harry, begging it to show him where is friend was.

30 seconds later James threw down the map and sulked, "he's not here. And the map can't be wrong, it never lies."

Just then a hand touched James' shoulder, "I know it doesn't prongs, but this room isn't on the map."

James could recognise the voice anywhere, "Moony, how did we not find this room" he said turning to the werewolf before crushing him in a hug that could only be beaten by Molly Weasley.

"Moony and Prongs, you guys aren't are you, I mean you're not the marauders are you?" The two men smiled at each other, maybe their pranking days weren't over yet.

"Well I'm George Weasley, and you are our, sorry I mean my idols. We, no I own a joke shop in diagon alley dedicated to pranking."

"What am I then Georgie, your next door neighbour" came a voice all to familiar to George, Fred came out from behind the shadows and the brothers ran towards each other.

"I missed you Freddie, even if it was only 4 days, it felt like years without you."

And done, sorry I didn't have the time to write this yesterday and it's kinda pathetic but oh well.

Lucy xx

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