Chapter 5

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No one moved, their eyes were fixed on the deatheater. Everyone had their wands raised, ready to hex him into oblivion when the deatheater removed his mask.

"Malfoy" said James and Harry, the hatred evident in their voices.

"Well well well, what do we have here, all three Potters reunited at last" Lucius sneered," Black, Lupin what a pleasant surprise to see you...alive". He circled them, giving them an uneasy feeling."care to tell me your little secret then, I'm sure everyone would want to know how you're here. Alive."

"Believe me Malfoy, I'd quite like to know myself." James clearly hated Lucius, and nobody could blame him really.

Lucius raised his wand, "I'll ask you again, how is it that you come back from the dead after 16 years, Potter, and don't make me tourture it out of your precious son."

"I'm afraid I can't answer your question, and even if I could, why would you need to know? Suppose you want to bring Voldemort back, you know I wouldn't like that don't you, Malfoy?"

"I didn't think that it would come to this," he pointed his wand at Harry "Crucio!"

Harry's screams echoed through the village, more deatheaters appeared and started firing curses at the small group of people. There was so much chaos that no one noticed McGonagall sneak off towards the hogs head, where Aberforth sent a patronus to the Weasleys, Hermione and every other living member of the Order, who then appeared instantly beside those trying to fight the deatheaters.

All of this reminded Sirius of the department of mysteries the night that he died, but he pushed that thought aside for later and lunged at Lucius Malfoy, screaming "that's my godson, you'll pay for this". He was however knocked of his feet before he could get to him, James copied Sirius's actions but managed to trip over him when trying to get to Lucius, landing on top of Sirius, who then groaned, clearly not amused.

James jumped off Sirius and kept fighting, they had to help Harry. This thought seemed to light a fire inside him, he would do this for Harry, soon he was firing stunning spells and all other kinds of hexes towards unsuspecting deatheaters. Once he had hit Lucius with one of his stunning spells he ran over to Harry, who was lying on the ground unconscious.

There were very few deatheaters left and they were arrested by Aurors who had come to their aid, they sent for healers from St Mungos and Lily sat next to Harry until they arrived, whispering words that he would never acknowledge. The others had come out of the fight barely injured, maybe a few cuts and broken fingers but nothing that couldn't be healed in a heartbeat.

Once the healers arrived to take Harry, the others apparated to St Mungos after them. In the midst of what had just happened, none of the, for lack of better term, 'undead' people bothered to disguise themselves, only resulting in several witches and wizards recognising them. Some gasped and a few people fainted as they rushed through the waiting room and to the front desk.

"We're here to see... To see Harry... Harry Potter," Lily said, very out of breath.

"Intensive care ward," replied the healer sat at the desk.

They all, excluding McGonagall, sprinted up the stairs two at a time until they reached Harry's ward, only to find that they couldn't see him. After a very heated discussion between Lily and a healer working in the ward, they were allowed fifteen minutes to visit him.

Harry was now lying on a clean hospital bed, looking pale and fragile. They sat there for a few moments, watching as a group of healers gathered around Harry, fixing broken bones, healing minor cuts and bandaging those that look more severe. Sirius looked very uncomfortable at the sight of healers, despite ending up in the hospital wing numerous amounts of times while at Hogwarts, there was still something about Healers that bothered him so much.

When they were done, Lily was the the first to speak, whispering barely audible things and crying silently at the sight of her son. James could tell that Sirius might freak out if he didn't get out of the ward soon so he sent him to get them some tea, they sat in silence for a few minutes just looking at him, their son.

Lily stroked the side of his face in a motherly fashion, then Harry started coughing and waking up so they were almost dragged out of the room by the healers. Sirius soon found them sitting outside the ward and joined them, they all thought that Harry shouldn't have to deal with being attacked by death eaters, it didn't seem fair after all that he has been through.

Soon Ron rushed towards the ward, apologising on Hermione's behalf about not being there because of going to find her parents. It was a relief to see that Harry was awake and talking to the healers, they were watching him carefully through the glass windows in the doors. The healers came back and told them that they could re-enter, but Ron was distracted and arguing with a painting who was insisting Ron had Spattergroit when Ron was arguing back,"they're just freckles!". It took a very vicious shove from Sirius to get Ron's attention before entering the ward again, he was momentarily disorientated before seeing Harry sitting up in his hospital bed reading a 3 year old magazine.

"Harry!" Lily rushed towards him and started hugging him tightly until he started coughing again, she then released her grip and looked at him slightly concerned.

"You alright mate?" Ron asked, smiling at the sight of his best friend. Harry smiled back and straight away, his parents knew they were like brothers, inseparable. Ron dragged a wizards chess board over and soon they were lost in the game. Not wanting to spoil the moment, James, Sirius and Lily silently crept out of the door, only to be ushered back towards Harry by healers insisting that he wanted to tell them something.

"Harry, is there something you wanted to tell us?" James asked.

"Yeah but I want to tell others as well, it would get too crowded in here and I think I want to wait until Hermione gets back."

As if on cue, Hermione and Ginny entered the ward, Sirius then went to ask for a private room so they would not crowd the ward. Soon Harry was helped into a wheelchair and they were taken to a large, private room where they all gathered inside. There were sofas and comfortable seating, a large armchair,which Harry carefully sat with help from Ron and Hermione, and a hospital bed.

"So, what did you want to tell us?" Ron questioned.

"Hang on a sec" Harry reached for his wand and cast a patronus, which he then sent to Professor McGonagall, Remus and the Weasleys that weren't present. They sat there in wait for a few minutes, the Weasleys were the first to arrive, soon followed by Remus, Tonks and McGonagall.

"Harry, what is it that you wish to say?"

"Professor, did you bring the pensive?"

"Yes, here you go." Professor McGonagall took out a silver dish filled with a clear substance. "I assume this is important Potter."

James looked up, confused at the mention of his name, where as Harry replied, "yes Professor, I would assume you would all like to know about my life, about what happened, who was there for me and my reasons for my actions. Rather that telling you my memories, I decided to show you, so this is my life."

Ok so this chapter was really hard to write, I'm not sure if I should start with the Dursleys or Harry's first year at Hogwarts. I know the pensive idea isn't very original but I liked the idea, if you have any ideas you want to put forward please say in the comments and thanks for nearly 300 reads!

Lucy xx

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