Chapter III.

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Casey ended up overhearing the conversation and of the lie April have made, and he knew by the sound of it, Donnie believed it..He immediately went in and closed the door, having April out of the lab, not allowing her to speak to him. "Donnie I—" "So nothing mattered at all to you?! Is that it, Jones?" Donnie glared at the other, he never has called him Jones before. He was just..Mad. Mad at everything, mad at Casey. "..But I didn't do that." Casey sighed as he took the silence as a sign to take his leave, "I gotta go." And without any other word from either of them, Casey left. Donnie stood there, left alone to his thoughts until Val had came in once again. "Don? I need help with— are you okay?? What happened?" She immediately went over to her best friend, she knew him very well, enough to know his expressions. The mutant looked at her, "it's nothing. What do you need fixed?" He asked, sparing some time to fix what she needed. "No no, I'm not gonna do anything until you tell me what's up." Val demanded to know. "..Casey had lied to me. He was the one to force April to like him AND kiss him!" He explained, hurt by the situation. "Who told you?" "April.." "...Oh? Well, I'll come back tomorrow for you to fix it. Now, that's a cool robot there!" She pointed to the robot him and Casey made, they ended up forgetting a few things to add onto the robot, so it wasn't finished. Donnie looked at it, and it only caused him to hurt more. "Are you free tomorrow at 10 am? I found some kraang technology on my way home." He perked up and looked at her, "yeah,,I'd like that." He smiled softly. That cheered him up only a little bit, which Val wished it cheered him up more. He was interested into knowing more about the kraang.. "I'm gonna head home, need to catch up on a lot of stuff. Bye Don!" She waved and ran off, in a hurry but she didn't allow it to show. She wanted to catch up with Casey, since she didn't believe Casey actually did that.
She ran out the lair and out of the sewers when she reached it, she ran towards the way to Casey's apartment to see him almost there to his apartment. "Casey wait!" She said, panting immediately when she had stopped next to him. Casey looked at her, "hey, what's up?" He asked, acting like his normal self to hide the fact that he was hurt. Disappointed that April have lied. "..I don't believe that you forced her, I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't." She said, "We need to make a plan, to make Donnie believe you, not her." He nodded, glad to know that at least someone other than Raph, he had told Raph about it when he was heading out.

"Case', wait." Raph called out, stopping the hockey player from leaving the lair. "I overheard your conversation with Donnie. What happened?" He asked, concerned for his friend. "..well..April lied to him and said that I forced her to like me and kiss me." He explained, the mutant sighed, "she did WHAT?" He was bit angered by this, since Casey is a friend he cared about. "I don't believe her. Just pay no attention to her and try to pay your attention to Donnie, maybe that can help." Casey gave a nod, "alright. Thanks, Raph." "Anytime."
End of flashback.

Raphael opened the door to the lab, to see Donnie crying, leaning against the wall. He went up to his brother and placed his hand on his shoulder, "hey,, you okay?" Raph asked, being soft. "..yeah. I just want to be alone." He responded, looking away to not have his older brother see his tears. Even though he already did. "Listen, what April said, isn't true—" "Are you trying to say that April is a liar?!" Donnie yelled angrily at him, Raph backed away a bit. "Yes. I am saying she's a liar, Casey did not force her to do anything!" He yelled back. Of course, with his anger issues, he's now mad. "You don't know anything, stay out of this Raph." Donnie glared at him before storming off into his room. Raph stared at the door, he immediately walked out of the lab, back into the kitchen to feed Spike. "You don't believe April, right?" He asked Spike, who gave no response. "I knew you didn't." Raph calmed himself by creating a conversation with Spike, except Spike never answers. Meanwhile, Val had made up the perfect plan that should absolutely work. "Alright, here's the plan, your gonna get him purple flowers and a heart shaped pizza, and wait in his lab tomorrow before 10 am, and explain everything to him. And confess your feelings, because I know you like him." She explained. "Okay— wait, how'd you know?" "It's obvious. Would you really care this much if you didn't like him?" Casey then thought over it, and shook his head as a response. "Exactly. Now meet me at the flower place at 9 am tomorrow." She pointed. That was the plan their going with, with no backup plan. It had to work.
The next day arrived rather slowly for the two. Donnie had hardly slept because of the situation. He stood up slowly, he entered his bathroom to splash water onto his face. He was planning to wake up around 8:30, but he woke up at 9 instead. He sighed softly, trying to distract himself from the thought of Casey. He refused his love for him, it only grew worse.
He decided to talk this out with Splinter, to see what he has to say about the situation. "Good morning, Donatello." "Good morning, sensei..May I speak with you?" He asked, "Of course. Sit down with me." Splinter suggested as the other obeyed and sat in front of his father. "So..April has told me what Casey done to her, forcing her to kiss him and to like him. And it hurts for me to know that, not only has it affected April, it affected me. Me and Casey were best friends..It's like nothing mattered to him at all." He explained except his feelings towards Casey, he was afraid if Splinter found out, he wouldn't be accepted. "...My son, allow me to give you my honest opinion and advice. I do not believe April, Casey wouldn't do such. But it's up to you to believe who you need to believe, believe in who your heart is telling you. Do not just believe April from words, believe from the sight." He responded to his son, the turtle nodded. " do I know what my heart is telling me?" "You'll see, soon."
Meanwhile with Casey and Val, Casey had bought some beautiful, purple flowers that also smelled decent. He was waiting outside of the flower shop for the other to arrive, right when he began looking around for her, she arrived. "He— are those the flowers you picked out? Those are perfect!" She smiled, knowing that Donnie will love them. "Yeah aha, I'll be back, I just need to get the pizza now." He responded before rushing towards the other side of the road, going into the pizza place. He bought a heart shaped cheese pizza, knowing that Donnie didn't mind the kind of pizza he ate, most of the time. He went next to Val after finishing. "Alright, what next?" Val smiled, "Let's head down to the lair, and wait for him in the lab."
April arrived to the sewers, noticing Val and Casey talking and heading to the lair in front of April. "Oh, hey guys." April greeted, but to get no response from either of them. She got confused, she was certain she didn't tell any other about her lie..Not knowing Donnie did and that hardly any believed her, or if anyone did anyway.
Casey entered the lab, waiting in the middle for Donnie to enter. He grew nervous.. What if Donnie doesn't forgive him? What if he'll never get to tell Donnie his feelings? Those thoughts were still there, as if it was super glued into his brain. He stared at the door, until it opened.
Donnie looked towards the male, surprised to see him here..with flowers? And pizza? He assumed they were for April, but why in his lab? "Jones, why are you here?" He asked, acting as if he didn't care a single bit, when he really did.
"D, just— please let me explain and apologize." Casey pleaded, "Okay." The other responded boldly. Casey inhaled before explaining, "Listen, I didn't do anything to April..I wouldn't ever force someone to like me. I don't like her, at fact, I like you." Donnie's eyes widened at hearing this, coming from Casey Jones' mouth. " me? Not April?" "Yes, D, I do. For so long shut you always liked April, never, I'm sorry for not telling it sooner and all, here." He handed the gifts to the turtle, Donnie's eyes began to be filled with moist, as if he was going to cry. "I never even..realized you liked me, nor did I realize I liked you.. I'm.. this is my fault. I believed April in the first place, I shouldn't have." He looked at Casey and at the flowers he was given, he loved these kind. A lot. "Hey, it's okay, I understand why you did." Casey cupped the turtle's cheeks into his soft hands to comfort him, it worked but Donnie ended up crying. "I'm sorry.. and I like you too." He said, though he wasn't sure, but he was trying to listen to his heart. Trying to figure out what Splinter meant.. "How about we..go and finish the robot together?" Casey suggested as he wiped off a few tears from Donnie's cheeks. "Yeah, sure." He smiled at the other, "so..are we boyfriends?" The hockey player looked at him when he grabbed the design paper, "Yeah, I'd love that." He smiled. The two were happy that they were now together..But Donnie didn't know how to show his love.
While they were working, well, minus Casey. He's been zoned out looking at Donnie, until he got caught. "Casey?" "Oh! Uhm..Don..Do you wanna go out with me?!" He asked a bit nervous and loudly. The turtle blushed and nodded, "Sure. But next time,,try not to yell, in case any other has heard you." He laughed softly, Casey realized, "Oh, yeah, sorry.."
Leo, who were sitting on the couch, laughed when he heard that yell. "Next time, I'm gonna plan their wedding." Val said as she sat next to Leonardo. "Invite me if you do it." He asked, when the years pass and if the two are still together and all,, he was seriously wanting to be involved, to help. April was listening to the two outside of the lab, after Val has been distracting her for the whole time.. She got mad, her plan was backfiring at her, she had to think of a plan..what was she thinking?


Authors notes: 1889 words. I planned to write at least around 2000 words, but I wasn't able to without thinking of a good cliffhanger.. Chapter 4 is gonna be pretty long and active, but yeah. I plan on, after finishing the fanfic (which don't worry, im not even close to finishing, this is just what I plan), im gonna do extra chapters and versions of some of the chapters, like this chapter.
And to that one person summarizing the last two chapters, thank you very much! I never had the motivation to write anything anymore, due to no support. I have deleted my previous work because no one enjoyed it, but now I have a few supporters and I am motivated to keep writing. Even voting on a chapter is good enough, thank you again, and to the person summarizing! And again, sorry if the characters aren't so canon, I'm trying my best.

I felt your break. // Jonatello ( Casey Jones x Donatello) fanfic // Tmnt 2012Where stories live. Discover now