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Hi guys! I'm back for good I think, it's been like 2 months since I updated this and I've been so pleased with the comments and votes it means a lot. I'm still carrying on this Drarry fanfic but I'm also going to be uploading a Frerard one (Frank Iero & Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance) soon, I've been working on it for quite a bit with my friend Jodie and we have really good plans for it, so hopefully you can check it out soon! As for now I hope you enjoy this chapter of 'I'll Look After You' and there will be frequent updates maybe 2 chapter per week or two weeks :) sorry for the long paragraph, but enjoy!!!

P.S. Follow my twitter @AccioTrench & my tumblr


Harrys P.O.V

My heart was racing, not only had I just kissed the one and only Draco Malfoy, but someone had just bloody caught me.

"D-did you see that?" Draco nervously asked as a tear fell down his cheek in fear.


Draco's bottom lip trembled as he choked up and started crying. I held on to him tightly, stroking his hair repeatedly.

"Hey, hey, shhh it's gonna be okay." I reassured him.

"NO BUT IT'S NOT THOUGH HARRY YOU DON'T GET IT DO YOU?!?!" He yelled so loudly that it attracted attention from the next cart as they banged on the door with a 'shut up'.

He'd never shouted that loud before, it scared me. We'd been through a lot there in a space of ten minutes, the kiss, someone catching us, Draco crying & him yelling at me so loudly.

It really hurt my feelings, I do understand him most of the time, but now he is saying that I don't get it and I just don't anymore.

Draco's P.O.V

I regretted shouting now, the last thing I wanted to do was lose Harry. It was just my father, if he found out I was gay... Well my life would be a living hell. I do want my father to know eventually, but I'd like to tell him myself and gain his support. If he found out like this he would disown me.

"I'm sorry..." Harry muttered out.

"Don't be, I'm just sick of being a trophy son all the god damn time. Who cares if Im gay? I shouldn't, but the sad thing is I do, I've been raised to think homosexuality is wrong, but it isn't and so many people don't get that and I'm fucking sick of not being myself y'know what I mean Harry?"

I had just literally spilt my guts out to Harry Potter what was I doing, all those years of pretending to hate him gone within a few minutes.

"God dammit, I love you Draco Malfoy"

Harry pulled me in even closer and kissed me, the kiss was more passionate than before. He wanted more than just a kiss. I let up from the mesmerising kiss for breath.

"Shit, you're a great kisser Potter" I winked at him.

I wanted to forget about everything just for the rest of the journey, it didn't last long as the train came to a halt and all that played my mind was rumours, god awful rumours that might of spread from the first kiss.

I left the carriage ten minutes after Harry to find Ginny, stood behind Hermione, sobbing her heart out, Ron standing in front of them both with a hateful yet protective expression. He spat on a body that was lying on the floor with a bloody nose.


The body was Harry...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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