6: The Ant and The Lion

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May walked to the Gym, with her clothes. She saw the PE teacher. The teacher waved, and May waved back. The girl that bullied May walked in. The girl secretly flipped May off when the teacher was not looking. May growled at Her, as she walked with a smile on her face. " Okay, students! Jumping-Jacks, now! " The PE teacher yelled. May started doing Jumping-Jacks, but, the girl had some plans. As May was doing that, the girl grabbed a whoopee cushion. And put it where May was. " Okay, over now! Sit down. " The teacher said. May sat down, but then, it happened. May's eyes almost popped out. The students started laughing at her, the women laughed so hard.

May grew angry inside of her, staring at the girl. May then came to her, and slapped her across the face. People gasped, as May grunted. " What!? No, you won't get away that easily. COME HERE! " The girl yelled. The girl picked May up and slammed her on the floor choking May. May grunted and slapped her arms. The PE separated them. 

May then went into the Office, and the girl, too. The front lady of the office then came up to them. " What did you guys do? " She asked. May shrugged, and the lady walked away. May then raised her hand. " Can I go to the Bathroom, please? " May asked. The lady nodded, and then May walked away. 

May then went inside the 7th Grade building. To go to the girl's Bathroom. She went into one of the stalls and sat down. She didn't need to go. She needed to sit down and think of what she is going to do. " I should just walk in the crowd, and hide somewhere in one of the buildings. So that she can just give up, and go away! " May thought. May then went out of the bathroom, and then went back to the office.

After school, May was dismissed. As she stood up, so did the girl. May walked faster and went into the 7th Grade building. Her Backpack swaying behind her did not give her a running boost. The 7th Graders walked out of their classes. And then went in the middle of the huge crowd. She tried to fit in there, and hopefully, she could walk out with them, and then run back inside the building. When they reached the entrance, she ran back inside. And then hidden by a window! She was finally safe. Now, she had to wait for there, until everyone was gone!

Minutes went by, and May thought it is safe. Just before she could... Something happened. A window was behind May. A bag then went, and covered her head! She was kicking and swiping at the black bag. May was Wheezing, and breathing heavily. Then, a rope came and tied to her neck. May screamed as loud as she can. Now she was choking, and let off the ground by hanging. Then, her neck reached the window, and she then flipped back out the window. May fell very hard on the floor, face first.

 She then crouched and tried to stand up, but then, she got kicked in the face. May then got a bloody nose. " Unwrap the bag! NOW! " Said a familiar voice. Then, the bag came off her face. There were 4 girls, and the girl was there. " Say hi to my crew. " The girl said. " W-what do you want from me!? " May asked. " Um, revenge! " The girl scoffed. One of the crew kneed her jaw. " Speak now! " The girl said. May was confused. " About what? " She asked. The girl rolled her eyes. " Why you tried avoiding me? Wasn't that obvious!? " The girl yelled. " Um, because i dIdn't want to be beaten up by you! " May yelled. The girl scoffed, again. " Oh, of course. " The girl said softly. 

The girl then approached May, and than thenhed her on her right jaw. May fell to the floor, and than thenkicked in the face, again. The girl laughed, very hard. May tried to crawl away, but she got kicked in the spine. May grunted, and then crawled to one of the girls, but got kicked again. " Oh, honey. this won't work out if you fight back. You do want to live, right? " She asked. May's blood spurted out on the floor.

 May tthen grew angry inside her. " HERE'S THIS!!! " May yelled. May kicked the girl in the shins, andstood up. The girl grunted in pain. The girl fell to the floor, holding her shin. May then kneed her in the face! Everyone heard the crack when May kneed her. May kicked her in the arm. And thanthenmped on her face. May then sat on her, and began choking her. Blood started coming up, now. The girl began choking on her own d. May started punching her with one fist, while her other hand was still choking her. Her crew stared and gasped. The girl's blood started flying into May's face. May tthen finally had made her... Dead?

May realized of t she done. She stood and saw she was not moving. No pulse. Blood was on the floor, even on May's hands. May loolook the crew. Then May ran as fast as she can, shand e ran into the forest. Crying, oaboutwhat she had done. May didn't realize that she had hurt the girl, much more. May I took it too far. She had killed someone. 

May ran all the way home. Hoping, that the girls didn't tell on her. It would be bad, i they did. May ssawher Dad was home. And, ran inside, quickly. But, tthen he asked a question. " Wait, how are you home early? " He asked. " Um... It turns out, that wasn't the actual time we get out. Check the Email!  " May chuckled nervously. May's Dad nodded, and May ran upstairs. Hoping, that they didn't tell.

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