I|Aquatic Falls

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"So, who's next?"

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"So, who's next?"

The younger Lumoise sibling noticed at the sight of where her friend was. Nowhere to be seen, making her pout.

She wanted her to be here, but the shadow on her eyes looming over her face when she walked out...

She then huffed as she raised her hand, her leg impatiently tapping. Ara wiped the smirk off her face before laughing, Fixing her blue hair into a bun, as she stretched her arms...before her eyes looked at the trainer.

"Let me heal my pokemon first. This time..as I can tell, it will be a 2 on 2 as my other pokemon I used---Huntail needs to rest more."

Bonnie looked at her before crossing her arms. She bit her lip as exhale her holding breath. Ara laughter was like a broken record---and her vibrant smile could make her pokemon heal. Walking away towards the healing stop, her mind played like a record, with her tapping her toes while waiting.

Serena looked at Bonnie who still had a pout on her face, before putting on a smile. Seeing how her friend was, she encouraged her by saying,"I know you can do this Bonnie!"

Bonnie then looked back at her, as she nodded as she returned her smile with a huge grin. Dedenee popped out of her bag, hearing that they will be battling next.

Within the shadows of the aquarium, Valerie snickered before walking slowly to the group. Without her bag---as she had her lips pursed into a small smile. She had her hands on her lap before Ash saw her, as he grinned, "Come on! Bonnie is gonna challenge the gym leader."

Valerie just tilted her head, no words coming out of her mouth. Just letting out a snicker---her green hair was sticking out...and her eyes gleamed with mischief. Bonnie looked at her before blinking. This isn't the Valerie she knew...

Serena was the first to mention," Your..not Valerie..."

'Valerie' let out a small burst of laughter, her face scrunched before transforming back into a Zoroark. The group took a step back, their jaws slightly open before hearing a rusty voice---barely able to speak,

"Y-ou...can do this..."

Zororak gave a thumbs up before Clemont adjusted his glasses, his mouth agape at the sight of a speaking Zoroark. Bonnie then went towards her spot where the gym leader was waiting for her---as the group minus Valerie took a seat. Zororak transformed back into Valerie,

Ash scratched his head before saying, " I remember one copying me and Pikachu, and they were able to interact with other people."

Serena noticed how Bonnie was happy---her energy made her smile before hearing the gym leader explain. Clamping her hand together, she then sees two pokemon coming out---her Froakie and Ara's Clauncher.

'You can do this Bonnie!" Serena thought as Zororak started to clap her hands, with her smile huge as the cheshire cat.


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