"Cold Freeze" November 18th, 1980 Entry 8.

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Finally, I found my Notebook back! I've been trapped within this barn for a few days. And I cannot stay any longer. My food is completely gone, I've already eaten the scraps that I found inside the farm house. Understandably, they took everything when they fled. I tried to flee several times, but stopped ultimately.. It isn't safe out there with those damned raiders or bandits. I've decided to give them the nickname "The Scavengers." Anyway, Recently I've noticed the air that surrounds this barn has gotten colder with frost forming on the barn windows. And sure enough when I looked outside through the window it was snowing! The light layer of sleet had covered the barn and the surrounding area. Whilst I was looking at the new environment I spotted a lonely small metal shack that I hadn't seen before. I don't know what time it is, as during the escape from the signal I left my watch behind. I'll update this once more if I find anything inside the shack.
As it turns out, There was something better than food and supplies! It was a car! As I approached the Garage in the dead of night I found that one of the doors had already been opened. It appears if the farmer and his (Family?) Took the bigger car and hightailed it out of there.

The car itself rather dirt and was definitely a beater. I used my elbow to break open the window and unlocked it from the inside. As soon as I opened the door a family of Rats quickly scurried out which nearly cussed me to fall on my back! I uneasily got in the drivers seat and proceeded to hotwire the vehicle. After a few minuets of errors I finally got the engine to cough and splutter to life. The fuel was rather low so I needed to find a gas station. And quickly. I'll update this journal once more if anything interesting happens.
I've now just filled up at a gas station and replenish myself with some water bottles I found in the freezer. The weather outside has only increased as there was now atleast a foot of snow that i stand on. The freezing air wrapping around my cold, tattered and dirty clothes. As I trudged my way back to the car. As I got inside heard the strangest sound of chuffing mixed with clanking. As I pulled out, ready to floor it i saw who it was. The headlights from the car illuminated the brown box on wheels; Toby. I was rather surprised by him. I thought he would stay stay in the shed at the quarry. My heart sank when I saw what he was pulling, He was pulling a few trucks filled with men. Those men were.. Scavengers. I cursed silently to myself as I quickly switched off the headlights to avoid being spotted. The moon now casting a silhouette of the Train that trundled by. They now hijacked Edward and Toby.. If the fog wasn't enough, Those people were.
As I drive through the desolate snowy Sudrian landscape, it seemed that I had gotten lost.

FUCK! I forgot my map back at the barn. As I drove my headlights cut through the fog and illuminated the cream coloured brick wall, gray platform and a sign that read "Wellsworth Station" I was surprised by this, Had I driven that far? I was even more suprised when I drove further as I saw a large green tank engine with the lettering "G.W.R." Painted in Yellow and red on his side. It was Duck! He dawned a green Snowplow and was parked in the siding along with several workmen and tents. Duck said as he reached Vicarstown, He felt terrible and was compelled to come back for leaving Oliver and his friends behind, So he broke off from the group. A few of them came outside and point several weapons at me, demanding who I am and what I was doing here. It seems they were afraid of the Scavengers too. I slowly stepped out of the car, hands up in the air. One of the men immediately recognized me and told the rest of the group to lower their weapons. It was a old friend of mine, it was Arthur Pierce! We used to take shifts in the Kirk Ronan Signal boxes together. Well for a day or so until this apocalypse happened.. Anyways, He welcomed me warmly and offered To let me in one of the tents which I gladly accepted. A few of the men got busy with the car trying to find any scraps of food or any remaining items.
I asked to check the time and realized it was nearly 2:00 AM! From what I overheard in tent I was in, they were planning to pack their things in around 20 or so minutes. 20 ish minutes later, Arthur told to me to help pack up the things and put them in the works coach directly behind Duck. It did not take long and soon the train was full with surprises and workmen. Before I got in the coach, I put a spare tarp over the car, if the scavengers didn't find it. Then I'll be lucky! My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of slow and heavy chuffing along with groaning and squeaking metal. I would quickly scurry into the coach and duck soon started to pull out of the siding. As we did so I looked out the frosted window and saw a conflat slowly rolling forwards and the other line, Follower by a truck filled with men. The station lights illuminated them.

They're Scavengers. Duck quickly realized this and gave a frantic whistle as the train surged forward, nearly knocking all of us to the ground. As we pulled away I caught a glimpse of the engine that was pushing the train. Blue paint and red stripes. It was Edward!

No later have we pulled out the station, We we're in a full blown chase! They started to use their guns. The ground in between the two engines lighting up in a orange flashes as the men fired at us, The men in our train got down while it was too late for some men. A bullet zippped through this one unlucky bastards eye, His bloods and brains spraying a small amount of the interior and the others got grazed, whilst a few got killed instantly. As the fight progresses, i remebered my handgun that I brought with me and asked for any ammunition, Suprisngly this woman crawled through the bodies and handed me the ammo. I swiftly reloaded the gun, Opened the rear door and started to fire at the men. I was a poor shot and nearly used all of my ammunition. Although I did manage to get one guy, his blood now splattered on the side of Edwards cab as we sped along the mainline. Edward himself look horrified and terrified. All while the driver and firemen in his cab shouted at him to go faster. We past by stations so fast I couldn't even see their name!

I just hope Edward and Duck don't push themselves too hard.. Or else there could be a catastrophe!

Fuck me man, I don't feel good.. While I was shooting I think I got shot in my arm. my BROKEN Arm. I just looked outside the window to only find out we are approaching Knapford Station! When I looked back the men had seemingly also run out of ammunition. But that's not I was concerned about as I saw Edwards face slowly turned from sad and scarred to one of absolute fury as he pushed himself over the limit, he was now going slightly faster then us and was looking at a set of points that was directly in front of him. Before I had time to thing he switched into the goods yard and disappeared from sight!!I was confused at first but not even a moment later I heard the sound of men screaming, brakes and then the sounds of look splintering and the sounds of metal twisting and and slamming into eachother. The Group inside my coach were all glued to the window, all trying to see what happened to the Number two engine. But I think we all know what happened, He purposely crashed to give us a chance. I sat down on the floor. —I can't do this anymore..

Update again, I'm back after i had a breakdown. I am running out of room in this notebook so I'll have to update this bi-daily.

John Roberts, Signing out. Goodbye.

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