"Did you do this..?" (Inkerror) Part 3

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Hi, it's me again. This is part 3.


3rd pov :

"W-what..?" Ink was shocked, so was the other. "What do you mean with someone's property?!" Nightmare now asked in with a slightly angry but mostly worried and shocked expression. "W-w3l1, d0 y0u..?" Error asked looking down down at their feet.

The two others looked at each other, clearly not knowing what to do.

"Why would you think that.?" Nightmare said, slightly calming down. "1-it's ju$t th@t... 1t's n0th1nG..." "No" "H-huh" "NO" Ink said loudly. "No, it's not nothing. There's something wrong and I know you want to tell us, him or me. You're scared we're gonna laugh at you right? Whatever it is, I'll never laugh at you, no matter what you do or what happened, okay?"

Error looked at Ink with surprise and a bit of relieve.

"1-I...f1ne,I'll t3ll y0u w-wh@t h@pp3ned...C@n N1ghtm@re g0 pl3ase..?" Error said looking away.
"Of course" the gloomy octopus said before he left.

"So, I'm really sorry if I scared you or made you feel forced, I only want to help you, okay.?" Ink said calmly. Error just sat there and continued to stare into nothing. "Are you actually ready to talk about it?" Ink asked. Error now decided to speak. "I-1...1 d0n'7 kn0w @nym0r3...It @lr3ady h@pp3ned b3f0re bu7...0f c0ur$3 It $t1ll sh0ck$ m3..." Error said still looking away "What happened?" Ink asked.

"My r@p3"

Ink's eyes (?) turned into black nothingness. "Y-your what..?" Ink's mind full with thoughts got interrupted by hearing soft sobs. Ink snapped out of it and looked at Error who was holding their hands up their face to hold the tears.

Ink was on the verge of tears and eventually started crying too. "I am so sorry this had to happen to you..!"

Ink texted Blue to get him some chocolate from underfell, fresh clothing (Error size) and a blanket.
Blue didn't even ask and brought it to Ink, before he could ask what was wrong with Error, Ink made a sign that told Blue that it's better to leave now.

"Hey um, heres some chocolate if you want, I mean you love chocolate and people say that chocolate makes people happy soo...here." Error slowly took the chocolate and started to open it.

"So um, how are you feeling.?" Error stopped eating and answered "1 gu3s$ I'm b3t7er..." "That's good...now, do you mind telling me who did that to you?" Ink asks. "1-I r3alIy d0n'7 kn0w...B-bu7 1t w@s s0m3on3 fr0m a Lu$t7@l3 c0py..."

Ink's pov :

Error and I were just talking and I could tell that Error was actually trying to calm down and forget it the best they could but of course no one just forgets that. "Hey Error, how about a hug..?" Error hesitated for a good minute before they slowly muzzled into my embracing arms, I didn't move incase I would scare them. Soon Error felt comfortable enough for me to put my arms around them.

It felt good.

"T-th@nk y0u 1nk...I r3ally @ppr3c1ate it..." Error said before closing their eyes. As soon as I heard quiet snoring I slowly picked Error up and I lied(this sounds wrong) us in the blue bean bag that was standing in the middle if nowhere. When I felt comfortable I also closed my eyes and quietly said.

"Noones gonna hurt you anymore Error, I love you."


This is it, I had no motivation for this.
Hope you still enjoyed, keep in mind these were supposed to be one shots.
Also I know that the title didn't even come up in the story but I'm too lazy to put it in somewhere so just ignore it please, I mean it's more about the story isn't it?


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