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" Y/ n we are here"
I heard his voice

Ohh thank god i opened the door and just ran towards the building

After drinking water i inhaled some breath

Then I recalled what I said earlier.....why I'm so blunt? Maybe he doesn't like me or maybe he thinks I'm ugly that's why he is so cold towards me...that kind of thoughts is blasting in my mind right now

I almost forgot that i have to go somewhere with Sehun and
And i today's the day I'll meet with Hyejin oh my god i almost forgot that

I texted Hyejin that "meet me in front of xxx club in 15 minutes, today is my friend's birthday we gonna celebrate it together". And then i started to get ready for the evening.

I'm wearing black body fit dress that shows my curvy body little bit with pencil high heels and i opened my long hair and my makeup is kinda wild because I wanted to look a little bit bad girl.

Suddenly i heard my phone is ringing so immediately I answered the call when I saw the caller ID

"Umm I'm coming" after replying i ran towards the door.

In The car

"Umm Sehun actually my friend is also coming in the club i hope you don't mind it" i spoke with hesitation

"Ohh that's great.... it'll be fun" he replied smiling

After 15 minutes we are in the club. I saw Hyejin she was standing like a model in front of club's gate

I ran towards her and hugged her very tightly....."it's been long baby"
She shouted in my ear

"How are you Hyejinah? Oh my god you look amazing....." I said kissing on her cheeks

"Ohh!  i forgot  I'm here with someone" i said while breaking the hug

"Sehun please come" Sehun stepped towards us and stand beside me

"So guys meet the birthday boy this is Sehun 'my colleague' and this is Hyejin 'my bestfriend'"
I introduced them in one go

The shake there hands. Hyejin wished him happy birthday and they hugged each other. After talking sometime we entered in the club

Sehun cut his cake in the corner of table so he already booked kinda beautiful table.
We started to enjoye. After dancing for hours we were almost exhausted.
Hyejin  went to restroom and Sehun went to take phone call of his mother

I waited for them but they didn't come so i walked toward counter to get myself a drink.

I was alone sitting on the chair i asked to bartender for another peg but someone stopped me....."naah babygurl don't drink too much"
I turned back and saw Jungkook is standing right in front of me. I feel really exhausted and don't have strength to even speak

"Whyy do *hiccup* youu carrre *hiccup*? And what  *hiccup* are you doing *hiccup* here?" I'll drinkk *hiccup* as muchhh *hiccup* as I want"  i blabbered

Ignoring him i took glass and drank in one go "another one peg"  i shouted
But then when I reached to the glass he grabbed my hand '" noo it's too much now" he growled. His breath was fanning my face..i felt him really close to me

" Youu  can't scarrre *hiccup* meee anyyymore....i like youu *hiccup* it doesn't mean *hiccup* I'll listen to you" i murmured  while hiccuping

"Let's go home " he said while grabbing my waist with his right hand and his left is tucking my hair behind my ear

" Aishhh whyy *hiccup* are everywhere...in my mind *hiccup* in my heart *hiccup* everywhere.. fuck  i can't  *hiccup* even enjoy"
I didn't know what was i blabbering

I was going to fall on the floor but I saw him grabbed me by my waist and lift me in bridal style and walk out of the club.

It is all blury i even don't know what's happening here.... My head is spinning and feel like I'm gonna throw up

"Yaah! *hiccup* Stop.... I'm not *hiccup* going home  *hiccup* i said Stop..*hiccup*..stop Jungkook". As i know I shouted with the high volume
But he even don't care ..... He is walking to his car and.....

Next Morning

I woke up in my room when I heard the sound of phone buzzing

Hyejin: "yaah where did you disappear last night?" She shouted with loud voice
Y/n:  " i don't remember anything i think i didn't feel good so i came home"  i murmured while tried to recall what happened yesterday night
Hyejin: " Sehun told me that he saw you with Jungkook"
After hearing i almost fell off from the bed
Y/n: 'yaah I'll call you back my head is aching....bye.

Omfg why i don't remember? Is Jungkook really there?... I'm so confused right now then I saw at my self in mirror that is placed beside my bed

"Why i am wearing white shirt?" I started to jump on the floor didn't know what should do?....." Aishh  why i have to meet him in the club?...and Who the fuck changed my clothes'' i shouted making noise

"Me. Is there any problem?" I heard a voice someone spoke from my behind.
I turned back but then i lost my breath after seeing him.

" Jungg-kook".
Jungkook: "yess" he said in soft voice with fake smile.
For a moment I forgot to breath I was just keep staring at his body. He is in only his pant with wet messy hair

He has really bulky body....with tattoos, wide shoulder, great  abs...

Jungkook: " you can click picture and have it umm i can't stand like this whole day"  he lifted his eyebrows while speaking

"Umm... I'mm noot...i just"
Jungkook: " you just what?" He said cutting my words

"Well what are you doing here Mr. Jeon?" I spoke while looking at my feet i feel so embarrassed because right now I'm in his shirt and i don't remember what happened last night at all.

Jungkook: "now I'm Mr. Jeon for you huh?" He said in husky voice while walking towards me

"Well I'm sorry if I did something wrong...." I said in very low voice because I had no strength left when I saw him walking towards me

"You don't need to be sorry" he whispered in my ear... His breath is hitting on my neck . I never felt this kind of sensation before... I gasped when I felt his hand on my waist

"Mr Jeon.....what-tt ar-re you-u  doing?"
I stuttered while looking at him with confused face

"Jungkook.. better you call me Jungkook" he again whispered in my ear again I felt like I'll fall down because of that alian feeling.

"W-why" i stuttered again
And then i felt he squeezed my waist with both of his hands..
"Ahhh" a moan left out from my mouth


Here is another chapter
Enjoying and please ignore grammatical mistakes.....❤️

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