5 0 0

Now it was almost time to go home one last time i checked my phone and then my little legs started to walk to the door.

Now i was in corridor when I heard someone calling my name......
I turned my head to see the person and it was principal sir.

He was walking as fast as he can.
So i decided to walk toward him.

Why is he calling me? Did I do something wrong? No no why y/n? You should believe in yourself

Principal: "umm Ms Min can you give this file to Mr. Jeon? Actually I need to go to the hospital and i have no time. My mother is admitted there...."

He was panting hard. The sweat was flowing on forehead. His hair were mess.....he really seems worried.

Y/n: "okay sir but i didn't see him today. Is he in his cabin?" I asked grabbing all the files in my hand.

Principal: "No he didn't come today. He is in his office. So you have to go to his office, that's why i asked your help." Wiping sweat he spoke in one go "the address is written on the first page of file now I'll go. Thank you Ms Min." He walked toward the main gate

So what should do I do? I have to go to his company hmm let's go y/n


Soon i was standing in front of his company. The towering building is shining with the help of glasses. I entered in and walked towards the reception counter.

Y/n: "can you tell me where is the office of Mr. Jeon Jungkook?" Nervousness was clearly can be seen on my face

Receptionist: " ma'am do you have appointment?" She asked me politely

Y/n: "actually i need to give him these files he asked to his school principal so that's why I'm here." I replied showing her the files

Receptionist: " oh yes ma'am I'm telling you the way..... you can go" she told the way of his office and then i entered in the lift.

Floor no. 35,
Left side of the corridor,
Uff I'm so nervous. Why I have to face him always. Well it's just file i just need to give him that's it. Yea I can do it.

Soon i arrived at the floor no. 35. I went toward the left side corridor and then yeah I'm standing in front of his office.

I knocked 3 times  and  then i heard his voice "Come in". Oh my god
I'm already nervous as fuck

Well be strong y/n. Don't show him your nervousness. Go go go.

And i entered in the office.
"Hello Mr. Jeon" and i bowed. "Principal sir asked me to give you this file." I said in one go.

"Place it on the table."  He said in his husky voice.

Oh my god this office is classy af. The greyish white and black colour combination is making it more ecstatic. I was in my world when heard his voice

"Done staring? Now gimme the files." His raspy voice brought me back to this world

I placed the file on the table and turned back to go out but i felt a grip on my wrist that made me look turned back.

He was standing right in front of me. Very much close that i am able to sniff his Cologne.

Wow this feeling is something else. Why i feel like I'm flying? Why i feel like my leg isn't attached with my body anymore? What's wrong happening with me?

"Staring is your habit or you always drool over me?"  He whispered on my lips i even didn't notice that i was staring at him and he was this close to my face.

I could see he was also examining my face. His eyes went toward my eyes then lips then cheeks. I could clearly see his eyes are running on my face.... but i was lost only in his eyes.

He doesn't seem cold hearted at all right now. His eyes are looking different. I can see lot of emotions right now. His glossy orbs are fucking sexy
Oh wait his brows piercing...

"Damn hot" i spoke touching the metal on his brows....."is it hurt?" I asked while softly touching and feeling the coldness of the silver metal. I didn't know what was i doing? I even didn't heard what he said earlier....i shifted my eyes towards his hair. His hair beautifully fall on his forehead. Caressing his forehead removing his hair from his forehead i again shifted my eyes on his eyes.

He was looking into my eyes. Like we are communicating without speaking.
He placed his both of his hand on my waist pulling closer to him. I gasped because this closeness was giving me butterflies. Somewhere i liked this feeling.

Seeing this kind of beauty is definitely feels like heaven is nowhere but on the earth......but why am I drooling over him it's not like i like him or what.

Seeya later
Take care

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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