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Sandra had no choice than to stop the work after the mother took the drastic actions by stopping her , so Sandra had to stay at home with her mom while the mom took the decision to know if she can take a close look at Sandra actions and behaviors  to know if she can help  change ..,while this was going on: Sandra started  to take a look back about all her actions n behaviors  so far and decided to make a new turn but would this new leave last forever[ let's watch out ]..
  One faithful day Sandra got message  on her phone about her admission  status and she was soo excited that after a long wait she was admitted  into the uni of her choice ,she ran to tell her mother the good news and the mother was soo excited but in the other hand the mother was also aware of the way Sandra is always easily influenced  by peer pressures and the attitude of her not telling  people any of her things which may lead to mistakes occurring but the mother had no choice than to rejoice with her mother .....
So Sandra started arranging  her belongings and properties  for the preparation  and resumption  of uni sessions  and it was going all good with the help of her mom ..
  So on a good Saturday Sandra was about leaving for school which made her mom burst into tears because she was going to miss her daughter but Sandra was on the other hand was happy that she is going to a place where there is freedom for her to do what she wants without her mom questioning her actions ....
So Sandra left for school and drove out leaving her mom in tears ....
Sandra arrived at the school and went in for her registration  and all other vital  informations and activities necessarily  needed to be done before moving to her dorm ....Sandra collected all the informations necessary and a lady showed her the route to her dorm when she got there she met a girl sitted on the bed ,they both exchanged pleasantries and Sandra asked what's her name and she said her name is faith ......
Sandra was at some point uncomfortable  because she has not being away from her mom in a new environment where she knows no-one but the moment she remembers she is free from everyone inferring in her matters she changes her mood immediately., Sandra began to unpack while faith offered to help by assisting her to unpack and they used that moment to tell each other more about themselves  and their experiences before they both got admitted....
It was all going well as the conversations became more interesting telling each other about  themselves........

        Watch out for part 3 ..............

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