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   Sandra didn't listen to what faith told her and continued  with her daily life because  she kind of didn't believe  faith suspicions  and felt like its impossible for that to happen  to her because  she has been careful and always taking  precautions  .. it was time for holidays and school had to take break meaning  (students can also  go home for  holidays) faith decided to go home since students are also leaving  the school premises and asked sandra if she was also going home she answered  that she might go she is not too sure  ,faith decided to leave the next day while Sandra still remained  in the school few days passed sandra became bored in school and noticed that there are few students left around  the school premises  and decided to leave the next day ..
The following  day Sandra left for home and her mom was surprised  to see her and told her why she didn't let her know she was coming back so she can prepare  delicious homemade food for her since its been long they last saw each other,Sandra didn't  look happy when she reached home and her mom was somehow feeling  anxious why sandra wasn't happy whether she is not happy to see her or she doesn't  want to come back home but what exactly  is wrong with sandra is the fact that she has been feeling emotional down and worried since the last time her and faith had a conversation about her suspicions  towards her and asked her to go check herself  well or go to the hospital,  her mom was forced to ask sandra what's wrong with her and why she has been acting down since she came back that if anything  is wrong with her she should open up to her and let her know what the problem  is if she can help her in any way she can but sandra didn't  open up to her mom or answered her mom she just kept her quiet and was on her own her mom had no choice than to let her be since she doesn't  want to talk to her and think she needed some time alone since she has been far away from home for a long time and hopes before  the following  day she would be back to normal and to her normal self ,days passed and sandra started noticing that her mom had been complaining  lately about her attitude since she came back and she had to change her attitude  so her mom would stop the complaints about her ...
  Sandra's mom became happy when Sandra changed her attitude but also was still anxious about the behaviour  sandra portraited when she came back and was still eager to find out the cause of her daughters attitude  because her mom has always  been this kind of person that believes that someone  can't just portraits a character without  something  being the cause of the problem  or issue so she really wanted to  know the cause ..
   Days passed and sandra was still at home with her mom because  the holiday is still on ,her mom took a close look at Sandra and noticed some things wrong with her daughter  since she came for holiday she had been sleeping  more often and eating very well, at first her mom didn't take the eating very well as anything  because she sees that maybe sandra has missed home made food and wanted to enjoy it well before she goes back to school but as times goes on her mom started having this strange feelings about her daughter  and sees the traits she portraits at times ...

    One faithful morning  sandra's mom came to meet sandra where she was laying on the couch in the parlor  and asked her again what's wrong with her she didn't  answer and her mom didn't  relent on her questions she threw another question on her daughter  are you pregnant ?and sandra was shocked and couldn't  even move for a bit and wondered why her mother is asking her if she is pregnant then she also recalled about faith suspicions towards her towards the same thing her mom just asked her and also what faith told her about going to the hospital to check herself  up but she didn't  listen ,her mom was still waiting for her response then sandra answered  is not possible  mom I can't be pregnant  then her mom said if you are not pregnant  then let's go the hospital  to confirm because I'm sure am seeing the signs  of pregnancy in you but sandra still insisted that she is not pregnant and that her mom can take her to hospital for confirmation  if she wants, then her mom noticed that she was sure of herself and her responds she made towards the question she asked her and they didn't go to the hospital that day but sandra herself wasn't atrest since her mom came to meet her about the same thing faith came to meet her and took it upon herself to go to the hospital  and check herself for her own true confirmation  within herself  .
  One faithful  day Sandra dressed up and left the house without letting her mom know where she was going to   ,Sandra went to the hospital for pregnancy test and the result came out that she is already 5months gone  she couldn't believe it herself that she is already pregnant  and didn't  no what to do at that point in time she went to meet the doctor if to do abortion is possible but the doctor said its already too late for the abortion process to take place since she is already 5 months gone and if she continues with the process it would cause damage to her and in later future she might not be able to bear or carry children of her own sandra  looked at the after effect and the big damage it would do to her if she continues  with the abortion process and decided not to continue with the process but left the hospital .Sandra returned home that day looking  confused and doesn't  no what to do about the test result she saw and went straight  into her room looked at the paper once more and tore it so her mom wouldn't  see the test result she went straight to the bathroom took her shower and went to the parlor where she saw her mom laying on the couch watching television,she tried to hide her emotions and how confused she felt but her mom was smart enough to notice that something  is wrong with her daughter  and asked sandra if she was fine she answered  that she is very much fine and ohk that nothing  is wrong with her ....

Would Sandra tell her mom or open up to her mom about the way she is feeling 
    To be continued ........part 5........

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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