❥ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑡 𝑅𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ

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As the sun shines over the hills on a nice, summers day, high schoolers are making their way through the doors of their new school. they're all rushing in through the schools doors, where they'll be staying for the next few weeks. their new school was called Royale High, where everything was very old, but modern. you could tell a lot of budget was put in to the school itself. the halls were bustling, people stood around with luggage, loading theirs into dorms, making friends.. just- a lot of chatter and chaos! It is everyone's first day, after all.

 Our story focuses on two young men, their names are Ethan Lastname and Jaxon Surname.Ethan is a tall, handsome man, with luscious brown locks curling all over his head. he has red eyes with black sclera's, and that's how he got into the school - he was a demon, as his father was Satan himself. he was usually quite a serious guy, but around Jaxon, he loosens up.Jaxon, on the other hand, is also quite tall, but not as tall as Ethan. he has chocolate brown hair, flowing all the way down to his chin, untamed and matted. (but in a cute way!) he has baby blue eyes, and a smile that could cheer anyone up. he's always trying his best to make sure everyone's happy!

 There's a difference between them both, though. erm.. I guess it isn't really a difference..Jaxon is openly a gay man. he doesn't flaunt his sexuality around, he's quite chill with it, actually. everyone always mistakes him for being straight, as he has had a few girlfriends in the past (experimenting~) and he doesn't LOOK gay.Ethan isn't gay. well, he's not out of the closet. he is gay, but he's afraid of rejection, from his family, friends, everyone...even though he does have two gay best friends.oh! i forgot to mention one of them! 

 her name is Tori Familyname. she's an open lesbian, and proud of her identity. she's always smiling, but she can be rude at some points.
she has deep red curly hair that goes down to the middle of her back, and she wears a deep red frilly dress, matching her hair. she wears a black petticoat under it, and is noticeably taller than Ethan.

 Jaxon and Ethan are standing next to eachother at the schools gates, looking up at it. Ethan turns to Jaxon, a smile across his face. "Ready to stay here for the next 6 years, in the same dorm?" Jaxon elbows Ethan, his squishmallow stuffed under his arm. "You bet i am!" the both walk in together, carrying their luggage behind them.

 as they walk through the cafeteria and up the stairs, its already obvious that they dont belong.
the school was primarily made up of girls, a few mutters were made from these girls, and as they got to their dorm, Jaxon sat down at the table and chairs infront of their dorm. it was on a balcony, overlooking the cafeteria.
"oof! im stuffed. hey, is it nap time yet?" he slouches in his chair.
Ethan chuckles, unlocking their dorm and pushing the doors open "us walking up the stairs and getting here took abouttt.." he checks his watch "5 minutes. nice try." he picks up his luggage, and walks in to the dorm. Jaxon follows after. 

 their dorm was decorated in a variety of colors, mainly black, pink, purple, and blue. there was a fireplace, which was on, which made the room a nice, cosy temperature.
there was an array of plants in the dorm, its own kitchen, and even a piano!
the couches were set in the ground in an L shape, a coffee table in the middle of them, and in the corner a plant. 

Jaxon immediately darts to the room towards the back of the dorm. "I'm claiming this one! its very nice." he hadn't even seen inside it.
he chose it because the door was blue, and the room at the front of the dorm, had a pink door.
Ethan chuckles. "alright then, guess i get the girl room and you get the boy room." he dragged his luggage into his new room, and sat down on the bed.
sitting soon turned into relaxing, and that soon turned into a nice, long nap.


 Suddenly, an announcement over the speakers jolted him awake. 

"Attention Students. Hello, and Welcome to Royale High! I am your new headmaster, Lady Esoteric. we have let you all relax and unwind in your dorms for today, as you had just came in. we hope you're satisfied with them!" 

"As a way of Welcoming you, we invite you to our Royale Dance! they happen every night at 8PM, and run until midnight. we hope your night is full of fun and entertainment!"

 the speakers shut off, and Ethan came to his senses.
'a dance, huh?' he thought to himself, 'maybe it'd be a good opportunity to-'
there was a knock on his bedroom door, and he one again, came to his senses.
he stuttered over his words.
"uh- come in!"
Jaxon enters, already dressed up for the dance. 

he's wearing some black jeans, along with a sweater. underneath the seater is a white button up, and a blue tie. it matches his eyes.
"Are you going to the dance?" He asked, a smile across his face.
Ethan blushes slightly at seeing Jaxon. sure, it wasnt formal in the slightest, but it was formal for Jaxon!
"um, yeah, i plan on going." 

"well you might wanna hurry, it starts in about an hour."
"AN HOUR!?"Ethan shoots out of bed, and rushes to his suitcases, rummaging through for his nice suit.
Jaxon giggles
"chill! thats plenty of time. youre not a girl, you dont have to get your make up done, or your hair done. just chuck on some nice clothes and relax!"
Ethan nods, taking a deep breath."
I'll leave you to it, i suppose!" Jaxon exits the room, and sits down on the couch.

Ethan looks rummages around through his suitcase, before finding two suits. one, a deep red, and the other, black.
he decides on the black one, the red is too much..

Alright, Ethan, you can do this! the dance will be fun! 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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