First Encounter

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Good morning class today we are going to talk about "It" no one knows how it came to be there are many storeys about what it is, but all you need to know is how to escape from it. Silence fell across the room for a moment. one child raised his hand asking why we don't fight back.

The teacher said because it will just make him stronger. Even "they" fell to "It" the words socked into the child's mind They, It, Them. He wondered what those words actually meant.

He snaps back while his friend calling his name Justin, Justin, Justin. "What!" He said everyone turns towards Justin as his friend says "Hi".

The teacher pulls everyone back on topic trying to tell everyone how to escape it. She begins "ok the first thing you will have to do is pay no attention to it even if it treys to get your attention. From what we bee--" she's cut off.

If its so big and scary why do we ignoring it and from what your saying it sound like it's just some attention seeking child. The teacher shushes the student. You will only understand after your first encounter with it. You all turn 15 you will start seeing it from now on.

Justin thinks more "Why can't we see it till 15 and why do we have to ignore it if it's trying to kill us." Justin thoughts are interrupted by the teacher speking once more.

If u pay it any attention; it will get angry and try to kill you the more attention it gets. The longer the enrage state will be. You have to ignore him for 5 minutes if u do it will leave u alone.

Some kid giggle at this most just rolled there eyes but Justin keep thinking about this knowing that shes trying to tell them something but just can't put his finger on it.

Until it clicks his face goes white as a ghost and he runs out of the class room. The teachers appearance starts to shift.

Bubbles grow from her skin as a inhuman grin is on her face sharp pointed needles grow out of her skin her head tilted so far to the side it looks like she's dead. "SHES IS" Justin looks at the clock 7:05 as he run. He slowly realizes that the monster was in the room the whole time and had 5 minutes of attention Justin knows he has to get out of the building as he hears his class mates screaming for help.

As he makes it out of the school he see a dark cloud over the school he ignore  this for now and keeps running the screams of his friends are close behind him; but they sound off like muffed in a way. He doesn't trust his friends and keeps running GOOD THING HE DID.

As he running he can hear the voices get louder and louder and now he can hear them clearly. It was muffed. Kinda like he's chocking on something.

He trips on a rock only now he looks behind him a monster that sounds like his friends it was horrifying it was huge it's lims where uneven-ed as his arms dragged along the floor a huge high pitch screech comes from the beast his eyes pure Black it's body was decomposing in a way.

It goes to jump on Justin. But he barely rolls out of the way. His hand grew bigger and now he was on all fours like a tiger its weird Justin was thinking of tiger's this morning as well.

Justin grabs his pocket knife and hold it at the beast the beast charges with another high pitch screech Justin hold his ground screaming back and runs towards the beast.

Suddenly a trap door opens a few feet away and after words a shot from a riffle. A few men run out and grab Justin and pull him into the bunker. The beast skin has already has become hard as steal so the 2nd shot bounced right off him the men through Justin down and just down closing the trap door behind them. The last thing Justin hears in a muffed call from his friends and class mates begging him to let them in...

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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