VII. Dreams and Nightmares

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After recovering from his injuries, Suzaku did return to the capitol to serve the Tokugawa shogun. His return from "the dead" inspired dread and terror in his subordinates, but the shogun could not have been more pleased. Stories of his undead advisor were a powerful deterrent from insurrection.

But nonetheless, insurrection comes as it always does after a period of repression like the Edo period. Suzaku's best laid plans fell to ruin over time; the impenetrable caste system and zero tolerance closed borders policy lost the heart of the people as the world around Japan changed. The rebellion comes for the shogun first, and then his council. The shogun is executed and Suzaku is imprisoned in the holding cells of his own castle. This time, when he is taken alive, Suzaku doesn't hesitate to call the Dream Lord's name.

"Lelouch," he whispers into the dark of his cell when he's sure his captors are elsewhere.

Lelouch arrives in a swirl of sand, looking pleased.

"Betrayed by your countrymen again," Lelouch says happily.

"Could you even try to look less smug?" Suzaku replies miserably. "250 years of peace has just been ended today."

Lelouch shrugs affably. "But think of the dreams, Suzaku. The world outside your borders has more to offer Japan than you think."

"There's only war out there," Suzaku says bitterly. "And now there is war here. Come on, get me out of here, Lelouch. The guards will be back soon."

Lelouch steps toward the holding cell, pressing his body against the bars.

"I'm not your personal errand boy," Lelouch says. "My help has terms."

Suzaku groans. "Can you stop messing around? I don't want to be burned alive again. What terms?"

"Come to the Dreaming with me."

"Not this again."

"Not forever," Lelouch clarifies. "Just as a guest. Leave when you like."

Suzaku hears the footsteps of his jailers and sees the warm glow of their firelight coming around the corner. He looks back to Lelouch with annoyance and resignation.

"Fine, fine. Take me to the Dreaming."

In a whirl of sand, they are both gone. In the next moment, Suzaku finds himself in a world unlike any other he has seen before. The weather is sunshine and hurricanes at once, with dark clouds and thunder in one direction and blue skies in another. In the same view, he sees a purple ocean on a moonlit beach and a looming, dark mountain with sharp peaks and steep precipices.

"This is your realm?" Suzaku says in surprise. The expression on his face is one of reverence, as though he has entered sacred ground. Lelouch feels a surge of pride. It has been so long since his realm has been seen by someone new. Lelouch looks around with new eyes, trying to see the place as Suzaku sees it.

"This is the Dreaming," Lelouch answers. "All the dreams and nightmares of the waking world are born here."

Lelouch is aware of the way Suzaku is looking at him – as though he finally understands the title Lord of Dreams and all it entails. Lelouch feels a shudder of gratification run through him. It is a pleasure to be seen rightly.

Lelouch leads Suzaku into a castle at the heart of the realm. Its architecture is a bizarre combination of eras and regions. In some parts there are the tall spires of Gothic towers, and in others the rounded domes and bright colors of the Middle East. Suzaku feels a surge of pride when he recognizes the influence of Japan in some parts of the castle. As they enter the castle, Suzaku is speechless with wonder.

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