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I released Myrtha's hand in a spark of nerves. My whole body quivered as I began to sob at the discovery that my entire life was stolen from me by a sick, entitled scumbag who never even considered me as human. Was it my fault that I was killed, because I agreed to go on one date with Hal?
Myrtha embraced me and rocked me back and forth, stroking my hair.

With the recent revelations dawning on me, I clung to her and wished she'd never let me go. Myrtha quirked her mouth into a grim smile. She seemed to surrender to the fact that she may have little to offer me but revenge. I didn't know how to tell her that she was what I needed right then, that she was more than enough for me, for all her decadent, inhuman strangeness. I didn't know how to tell her that without seeming untoward. Perhaps she'd mock me if she knew, as she was an undead queen and I was a mere ghost.

From what little I could glean from Myrtha's past, I could tell that her nurturing instincts were almost nonexistent. Even still, here she was comforting me. "Can you see why I was hesitant to tell you all this so early? You're only a newly formed Wili, and I didn't want to burden you with the truth," Myrtha said. "The last thing I would want would be to cause you pain." "You were not the one who inflicted it," I tearfully responded.

The fresh knowledge of my past and how I died weighed heavily on my spectral soul. Even then, I didn't care about revenge. "I want to speak with Alec," I told Myrtha. "About Alec. I assume he's one of the two young men who have been visiting your grave," said Myrtha thoughtfully. I was bewildered. "How is it that you don't know what Alec looks like when you just showed me my memories of him?" I asked.

"I can help you delve into the recesses of your mind to access your own repressed memories, but I'm not always able to see definite faces," said Myrtha. "I did have a glimpse of a timeline about what happened to you, but I could only sense whatever you gave off. Occasionally when I walk into the daylight, I happen upon two young men that come in turns, never together." Myrtha paused to wave a gnat off her face.
"One kneels and cries at your grave and leaves splendid bouquets before he hurries off before the grave tender can identify him, almost as if he wishes for anonymity," Myrtha continued.

"The other young man is equally as troubled, but not out of guilt. He comes to take away the bouquets the other man brings. He doesn't do a very thorough job of it, as he leaves wind-stirred petals behind. I teased you about the flowers at your grave to see if you remembered anything about these two men, as I would never burden you with the truth before you were ready. You directly asked me, Zelle. Only then could I comply, even though..I'm not supposed to." Myrtha cast her eyes down shyly, like a rebuked schoolgirl. At this moment, she was still in my eyes every inch the regal queen.

"Alec must be the one leaving the flowers. Hal must be the one taking them away. It sounds like him," I said. "Next time Alec comes to my grave, if he comes at night, that is, can I see him?" Myrtha looked up at me sharply. "That would be highly irregular. He wouldn't even be able to see you. Most humans can't even see the Wilis of my realm," she replied.

"I'm confident that you can make that happen, Myrtha. From what you've shown me, your magic knows few bounds," I said, determined to keep trying. "Please, Myrtha. I just want to talk to him. The poor fool must blame himself for my death." "Do you still love him?" asked Myrtha. "I don't know if I ever did. I think I was more flattered by his attention more than anything, so I guess I made myself reciprocate for the sake of not being alone," I said.

"Even if I did find it in myself to love him, which I'm not sure I do, I want to give him and myself closure and peace. So, I can make myself let him go," I reluctantly stated. Myrtha looked at me for a long while, and I could tell by her face that she was going to relent. "So be it," she declared. "Should either of those men ever come to your grave, I will make it so they can see you. Now be off," Myrtha waved me away in a birdlike motion. "Daybreak is upon us."

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