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YN left to Busan leaving her abusive family behind she was the top student in her whole school. One day her friend came running to her shouting luckly YN was nice enough to help her althogh she knew her friend was just using her for how smart she was but she was the only friend of YN.

This bitch so annoying and dumb not knowing that I know why she is even my friend.

YN was walking back home from her fave coffee shop when she bumpped into a boy he was tallish and had black hair"OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY" YN shouted "oh no no its fine my name is Taeyung" said the dude "are you sure that I don't need to buy you a brand new shirt? my name is Kim YN" YN replied "oh no its fine i have a lot if clothes at home abd you look lonely do you want to walk together? " he asked YN said yes.

When the bell rang YN walked to her her 1st class and sat in her spot with no one sitting near her. Later when the teacher walked in seven handsome boys followed the teacher and all the girls were drooling for them .When the teacher intodused to the us the teacher made them to sit with YN "You will sit near Kim YN, YN can you put your hand up" so YN did.

I looked up at my books and saw a familier face IT WAS TAEYUNG then he sat next to me smiling with the rest waving and I waved back. When it was time for break Ella came to me she then pinned me to the wall and started to kick me until I coughed up blood luckly Taeyung and the rest of his gang was behind her and kicked her ass out of the way then they started to smack her I stood there dieing. While Ellas minions where helping her Taeyung carried me to the nurses office and stayed there until I felt better.

Ella that witch is gonna pay for what she did to YN.


Taeyung took YN to the BTS dorm wheb they got in YN woke up and found herself lying in a bed but not the nurses office when is sat up she saw Taeyung shirt less and started blushing she hid herself under the bed sheets and fell asleep again.

Im sorry if this is really short ill make the next chapter lober and pls telk me is there is any spelling errors or it doesnt make sense BAI

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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