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Ayoooo! I will take requests on this page as well as make my own stuff, the alphabet stuff is here if you want help, let me know if you need ideas, I can give ideas to other aspiring authors if they want(long as I get credit, I love helping others ^^) I love all my readers and the support on my most recent, Your Blood is Mine, and I hope you guys like these! Probs gonna be never ending though, bc I love this explosion boi way too much for it to be healthy XD

ON WITH THE ALPHABET STUFF. XD (Most of them are from the inspiring author, as I have never tried this and idk what the hell I'm doing TwT)

Marriage Alphabet:

A - Anniversary (How would your anniversaries go? Where would he take you?)

B - Baby (Would he want kids with you?)

C - Celebration (How would he/BakuSquad react or party at your wedding?)

D - Divorce (What would he do or how would he react if you wanted divorce? Kinda goes in the angst category, but whatever)

E - Explosion (Would his temper worsen or get better once you are together?)

F - Favorite (What do you both love about each other that made you want to marry?)

G - Giving (Does he spoil you or you spoil him? Is it a consistent battle for each other's approval?)

H - Hugs (How often do you hug/cuddle/etc? Just any form of physical contact that falls in the affection category)


H - Honeymoon (What does he do for your honeymoon? Does he let you chose the place, spend any money, or does he already have a plan?)

I - Invest (Who pays for the marriage, or spends their money on the other more often than not?)

J - Jealous (How often does he/you get jealous when others' give more attention than needed to the other person?)

K - Kiss (How often does he kiss you or crave you or the other way around?)

L - Live (Where would you stay? Would he have a house picked out for you? Would you stay at the Bakugo's or your own?)

M - Make (Does he still make your heart flutter? Do you do the same to him?)

N - Never (What would he never do, even after you try to convince him?)

O - Opportunity (Do you guys have the opportunity of working together during hero hours? How often do you two get to do missions together?)

P - Pet Names (What does he call you? How often or when does he call you that name?)

Q - Quiet (Do you keep the marriage on the down-low or do you guys brag about it?)

R - Romance (How do you keep that spark? Do you guys fight?)

S - Selfie (Does he take photos of you or do you of him?)

T - Teenagers (Do you guys still act like teens when you're older?)

U - Unbreakable (What measures would he be willing to cross for you?)

V - Valentine's Day (What plans would he make for you?)

W - Wedding (What would he do for your wedding? Would he follow YOUR plan?)

X - X-ray (Can he see through you? Can you see through him? Could you tell if the other person was lying?)

Y - Yearly Tradition (What traditions do you guys do for dates, holidays, etc?)

Z - Zebra (Would he want a pet? What would he pick?)

Fluff Alphabet:

A - Alpha (Would you be the dominant—he would never admit—person or would he?)

B - Baby (Would he want kids with you?)

C - Cuddles (How often does he show affection? Does he ever do it in public or keep it between the two of you?)

D - Dark (Whenever you're in a dark place in your mind, what does he do to help?)

E - Extra (Does he still consider you an extra, but above all the others? Does he put you above all else?)

F - Fun (What does he do with you or where does he take you for fun?)

G - Generous (What does he give to you when you guys go somewhere?)

H - Home (Where would you guys settle once you're out of UA? Would you remain separate and visit each other often? Do you stay in one or the other's house?)

I - Invest (Who spends the most on the other person? How often do they do this?)

J - Justice/Jealous (What does he do when someone is eyeing you for longer than needed? What if someone started flirting behind his back?)

K - Kiss (How often does he kiss you? Is it ever public?)

L - Like (What does he adore about you? What compelled him to want to date you and be with you?)

M - Make (Does he always make your heart flutter? Do you do the same to him?)

N - Never (What would he never do, even after you try to convince him?)

O - Opportunity (Do you guys have the opportunity of working together during hero hours? How often do you two get to do missions together?)

P - Pet Names (What does he call you? How often or when does he call you that name?)

Q - Quiet (Do you keep the relationship  on the down-low or do you guys brag about it?)

R - Romance (How do you keep that spark? Do you guys fight?)

S - Selfie (Does he take photos of you or do you of him?)

T - T-shirt (What does he do when he sees you wearing his t-shirts? Does he ever openly give them to you? How subtle is he about it?)

U - Unbreakable (What measures would he be willing to cross for you?)

V - Valentine's Day (What plans would he make for you?)

W - Wedding (What would he do if he were to propose? What about for your wedding?)

X - X-ray (Can he see through you? Can you see through him? Could you tell if the other person was lying?)

Y - Yearly Tradition (What traditions do you guys do for dates, holidays, etc?)

Z - Zebra (Would he want a pet? What would he pick?)

If you guys have other alphabet ideas please let me know! I'd love to hear them! Also, please let me know if you guys want a description of my main MHA OC, Hino Akuma, because I know I've hinted her past countless times in my other fanfics, but as far as I know, no one really KNOWS her story or her personality. I would love to make a desc for you guys if that's what you want, because throughout these headcannons, I am GOING to call him Alpha whether you like it or not so if you want background as to why, I will happily oblige. Love you all and I'll see you in my NBC headcannon!

Edit 01/22/23:  I AM NOT CALLING HIM ALPHA AGAIN. Listen, I was and still am a wolf fanatic and when I first started writing these oh my GOD was I cringe! Weird how people can grow up in the short span of half a year- ;-; ANYWAY he is now called Katsu, KitKat, Blasty, Q-Tip, or Kat so if you could ignore all the Alpha B.S. I would GREATLY appreciate it because oh my Lord I regret my life's decisions... TwT I'm a much better writer now so yeah... You guys can still write requests, I got two headcannons in the making but it's gonna take forever to get them out due to the sequel to Your Blood Is Mine being written, but I'll try my best :'3 Love you guys, tysm for not saying a word about the Alpha trash and I'll see you all in the next thing I decide to put out- BYE.

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