🌫️⛈️Most Angsty of All...😭🔫

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A/n: Trigger Warnings are death, implied suicide, any others that are there I apologize for. Also, there are spoilers for chapter 362 of the manga series, kinda, so yeah... 

Type: Katsuki Bakugo X Hino Akuma(sorry you guys, I was in a dark space-)


"KATSUKI!!!!" I shouted as he was blasted by Shigaraki—if I can even call him that anymore. I shifted and ran at him, Kirishima calling me back, but the blood was so loud in my ears, I couldn't hear him. I ran up to Katsuki, attempting to have him land on me, but I yelped as what was left of his back hit my body. "No no nonono, KATSUKI WAKE UP, DAMMIT!" I couldn't see his face, but I was thankful I couldn't. I don't know what I'd do if I saw the real damage.

"Blaze, get up! We need you to fight! We got this!" A few real pros came over and attempted to get me to move, but I didn't budge.

"F^CKING DO SOMETHING THEN!! I'll protect Katsuki, you go fight that f^cking azzhole!" I shouted, anger and pain evident in my tone.

"You can't do anything... If we don't help him now, he won't be able to be helped later..." Edgeshot came over and put his hand on my head. I breathed shakily, feeling tears well up in my eye before I forced myself away from his touch.

"Fine... but you better f^cking save him..." I growl before slowly getting out from under him and racing off after Shigaraki. I let Best Jeanist do what he had to, but I trusted Edgeshot far more than him. While they helped fix Kat's organs, I launched a personal attack on Shigaraki. Kirishima and Midoriya attempted to stop me, but I was too pissed to listen. "YOU F^CKING BAST^RD!!! I'LL KILL YOU AND YOUR F^CKED UP PIECE OF SH*T OF A QUOTE UNQUOTE 'FATHER'!!!" I shouted as many curses as I knew at the powerful villain. If he really hated the world this much, he would have killed himself when he had the chance... It would have been better for him and society. It's because of people like him that are just making their lives harder than they have to be. Abusive family now dead? Some freak show you know is a dirt bag picks you up off the street? END IT. Your dad hates your soft azz because of something dumb? KILL HIM AND DIE.

I am not a person who promotes suicide, but if this is who people like him grow up to be because they trusted the first person who held out a hand, then I just don't care. Either keep to yourself and try to help others or end it before you make things worse for yourself. That wrinkled, overpowered freak show that just tried to kill my boyfriend? That. Is not Shigaraki.... And if I have to get Eri to rewind him to be a child again in order for him to realize it or get over it, then I will rewind him until he forgets everything...

"HINO AKUMA, STOP!" I hear Kirishima and Aizawa shout. I freeze, realizing Shigaraki was right in my face, my hand wrapped around his throat and white flames bursting around it. I was actually going to attempt to kill a man I know can't be killed... I saw him smirk.

"Yeah... why don't you just join us already? Help us get rid of One For All... Together we can make society better, if you just stop and listen.." He tried to coax me. I felt my eye well up, as if I wasn't crying like a b*tch already.

"You... tried to kill... Katsuki... F^cking Bakugo..." I whispered, practically seeing red.

"He got in the way. It was an accident. Yeah? A simple accident. He'll be fine." He spoke as gently as he could.

"Don't bullsh*t me... Hah... I couldn't care less what you did to me... Beat me down, throw me around, knock me out, kick me while I'm on the ground, I don't... f^cking care... But never.. NEVER... hurt my Kats..." I panted and breathed heavily.

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