Ep1: Jaune the Gray

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Jaune's POV

It's been a month since I was betrayed and disowned by the people I cared most over a piece of paper. They are all the same only caring about about their reputation and greed. All I ever wanted was to help people and prove that I'm not a weak loser that I am. At Beacon I've been constantly bullies and beat but that ends today. I decided to run away and one day I will return stronger than ever. This I will forget friendship, I will forget family, and I will no longer let these crippling feelings get in the way of my new goal. The goal of strength. I found a good clearing to start my train and made a cabin to live in. I focus on my mental and physical state and then I focus on my aura. I meditated and meditated until I discover two things about me. One that I have unlocked my semblances which was aura amp and second was a new technique which I read before back at beacon called Ki. From what I know Ki was a forgotten form of life energy that now people nowadays forgotten. I could master this Ki and soon use it to my own use. Days went on to months as I train to my very limits. My body now hard as a rock could be and my power skyrocketed to new hights in which I never felt before. I smiled and continue on with my training. Sometimes on a daily I would kill some Grimm here and there to protect my new home but they were nothing do to the fact I just one punch them to death. Even though I can kill them with one hit I still feeling I still need more strength. It's been almost a year and I have gain a lot of power during my time alone until I saw a bullhead land near my house. I stepped out only to see team CFVY surprisingly. I know they were the only ones that cared but I made a promise to myself to not let such fruitless feelings interfere with my goal for strength. I grab my new uniform which was colored with black and red and white gloves and boots.

I wonder what they are here for? Maybe wanting to take me back or the Ozpin wants me to return

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I wonder what they are here for? Maybe wanting to take me back or the Ozpin wants me to return. I doesn't matter maybe I'll accept his offer and show my ex friends and show them my power.


Velvet's POV

We were told by the headmaster to investigate a house near the Forever forest which was the cause of the decrease of Grimm in the area. As we landed near the house a familiar face came out of it which surprised us all. It was Jaune but more muscular and with a new outfit. It's a skin tight suit shower his muscles. But he was different. His expression was serious and a feeling like theirs barley another inside.

Jaune: Hello team CFVY it's been awhile.

Coco: Jaune is that really you?

Jaune: *nods* What brings you to my home?

Coco: We we're told ordered by the headmaster to investigate this house to meet a person who eliminated the Grimm from this area. Is that you?

Jaune: Yes. I am the man you are looking for.

Coco: Wait you kill them all? But you were...

Jaune: Weak and pathetic? I realized that friends and family were the once that were hold me back. I made a promise to myself to forsaken those exact feelings and surpass my limits for my search of power.

Velvet: Wait what do you mean?

Jaune: If you want to befriend me it will only be in vein. After what happened to me all those months ago realized that all huntsman and huntresses are the same. Nothing but selfish and greedy pests that go for the easer path. Having feelings gets in the way.

Velvet: That's not true.

Jaune: For some yes but to most... let's just say most of the people excluding you all only care about themselves.

Coco: W-well do you mind coming with us to Beacon?

Jaune:... fine. But only show I can show everyone there how much I've change.

Coco: Sweet let's go.

I started to realize that I can feel an immense power coming from Jaune. It's like he's a whole new person. As we got on Coco tried to talk to him but he remains silent throughout the entire flight back. He still kept his serious expression just looking out the wind like a lifeless husk. As we arrived at Beacon everyone saw that we returned but with Jaune with us. The murmured on how he shouldn't return and how he's a faker and all that. Suddenly out of nowhere Cardin decides to approach him with a smirk on his face.

Cardin: Well well well if it isn't the faker of Beacon. Let me guess decided to beg Ozpin to him back into Beacon?


Cardin: What's wrong cat got you tongue?

Suddenly we felt a powerful gust of wind coming from Jaune which we all started to sweat out of fear even Cardin backed away from him. I never felt such power first hand. It's like Jaune decided to show a bit of his strength. We continue our way to Ozpin's office when Yang from team RWBY yelled out his name.

Yang: Hey Vomit boy what the hell are you doing here!

Coco: Great it's the big titty bimbo.


Yang: Hey I'm talking to you!


She then decided to charged at him reeling back her fist and manage to hit him square in the face. We gasp at this while Yang smirks but to my shock Jaune didn't even budge. He just looked at her with the same emotionless expression staring daggers into her soul. Then within a blind of an eye he landed a powerful punch to her gut which let out a powerful shock wave from the other side. He spit out saliva mix with blood as she was flung into multiple pillars while her aura broke with one punch. Everyone was shock of this revaluation. Never have I seen Jaune punch one of the top first years with one punch. Yang was out cold with her face covered with blood. Her team finally came out to see what's going on only to see her out for the count.

Ruby: Yang!

Weiss looked to see who did it and saw Jaune staring at her with the same look he gave Yang. She ready her weapon but was stop by Miss Goodwitch.

Glynda: Enough!

Ozpin: Well well Mr. Jaune it's a please to see you again.

Jaune: Cut to the chase Ozpin what do you want from me?

Ozpin: I've gotten reports that you were the one who decreased the Grimm activity in the Forever forest. Is that true?

Jaune: Yes and why?

Ozpin: I've decided to invite back into Beaconas a one man team if you like?

Jaune:... Fine but I want to fight some of your greatest student here.

Ozpin: So teams RWBY, JNPR?

Jaune: And CRDL.

Ozpin: I'll make arrangements right away. *offers a handshake* Welcome back Mr. Jaune.

He just looked at him and just walked pass him without a care in the world.

Glynda: Such disrespect. That boy should learn some manners.

Ozpin: Remember Glynda he went through a lot and by the looks of it he might be stronger than I thought.

Glynda: What do you mean?

Ozpin: Just by looking at him his power far surpasses even mine.

What Jaune surpasses that headmaster?! That's unheard of. Just what type of training did Jaune do?

End of Episode

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