Milk Cookie and Purple Yam x Child! Reader (platonic)

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I'm moving the stories i've already completed to this book :,)


No one's POV:

Purple Yam: "do i really need to help you take care of that pip-squeak? Can't you do it yourself?!" he shouted at him like he always does.

Milk Cookie: "I- listen... i'm asking politely! please help me take care of them!"

Milk had sat you down on a nearby log while he tried to convince Purple Yam to help him take care of you.

You where getting bored of staying there so (as the chaotic child you where) you got up and walked away hoping to find some reason to cause trouble.

Purple Yam Cookie: "where did they go?!" he shouted pointing to the place you where sitting before.

Milk Cookie: "uh oh... Y/N?! Y/N oh god where did you go?!" Milk started panicking after noticing you where gone, "don't just stand there! Help me look for them!".

Purple Yam: "no way! you where the one suposed to watch them! not me!".

Meanwhile with Y/N:

You where looking around for something to do in the kingdom, Milk Cookie was just going to call Purple Yam to help him take care of you and then take you both out for lunch so you where a bit hungry.

Y/N: 'Mr. Milk Cookie is probably still arguing with Purple Yam so i'm gonna go get something to eat on my own!' you thought to yourself.


Pure Vanilla: "alright Milk, i'm leaving Y/N up to you while i go with Gingerbrave's crew to visit Black Raisin Cookie and Strawberry Crepe back at the new Vanilla Kingdom"

Milk Cookie: "you can count on me Pure Vanilla!"

Pure Vanilla: "right now they are resting at Herb's house, i took them there while they where sleeping this morning. Herb should give them breakfast when they wake up, so you only have to take them for lunch during the afternoon"

Milk Cookie: "oh alright! I'll go pick them up soon"

~end of flashback~

You where looking around and found the kingdom cafe, you stood outside staring at it for a bit and checked your pokets to make sure you had atleast some coins to order something.

You finally went inside and found Espresso and Latte arguing, wow, looks like today is your day of hearing arguments. You sat down at a table thinking of what you would order, you settled on a jelly sandwich and a latte, you did have breakfast but it was already noon so you where hungry again.

-Time skip-

You ordered your food after a while of waiting for Latte and Espresso to stop fighting, you where eating your food and Espresso was watching after you, because Latte had to leave to help Creampuff Cookie control her magic. Milk and Purple Yam finally found you since you where sitting at a table outside the cafe.

Y/N: "oh hello! Took you long enough to stop fighting and look for me" you said taking a sip of your latte.

Espresso Cookie: "you two need to be more careful when babysitting them, they can make a quick escape and worry people alot when they don't watch them" Espresso said petting your head before continuing "i've babysat them before and they ended up bumping into Almond, he ended up lecturing me for not taking better care of them".

Milk Cookie: "r-right... sorry little buddy, i really should've payed more attention to you" he said scratching the back of his head.

Purple Yam Cookie: "well i think they're the one who should stop running away from others in the first place!" he crossed his arms.

Y/N: "it was boring watching you two fight, i had to!" you yelled back at him and crossed your arms mimiking his actions.

Purple Yam: "why you-" he was then cut off by Espresso and Milk Cookie who just stood infront of you in order to protect you.

Milk Cookie: "Purple Yam! they are just a child! calm down!"

Purple Yam Cookie: "hmph... they are still annoying"

You stuck your tongue out at him and returned to eating your jelly sandwich in peace, Milk and Espresso saw that and tried to hold back their laughs while Purple Yam just looked angry.

-Another time skip-

Milk was looking after you while you played with the other kid cookies, Purple Yam was still annoyed with your presence but was still there cause Milk forced him to stay.

It was getting late so Milk called you back so you could go home with them.

Y/N: "aww... but i wanted to play moreeee...." you said heading towards them anyway.

Milk Cookie: "you'll have all day to play with them tomorrow, come on, let's go rest for the day" he said picking you up so you waved your friends goodbye.

Purple Yam followed you two to Milk's house and as you got there he walked off to his house, you waved him goodbye and teased him a bit more before walking inside Milk's house and sitting down on the couch while Milk head to the kitchen to make dinner.

Before he left he put something up on the TV for you to watch while waiting.

After he finished, you both had dinner and watched something together.

Milk noticed you had fallen asleep and layed you down on the guest bed to let you rest.

Long story short: in the morning you woke up, had breakfast and played with Milk for a bit before Pure Vanilla came to pick you up.

Something that happened while Milk and Purple Yam where looking for you:

Purple Yam: "why do i have to help you?!"

Milk Cookie: "because you're the reason i got distracted and lost them" he said still looking around for you.

Almond Cookie: "who are you two looking for?"

Milk Cookie: "oh uhm, detective Almond Cookie..." he laughed nervously before answering "we where just looking for..." but was cut off by Purple Yam.

Purple Yam: "a small annoying child who ran away from us!"

Milk Cookie looked at Purple Yam with a face of 'why would you say that?!' and Purple Yam just rolled his eyes.

Almond Cookie: "you lost a child? you better find them quick, it's not safe to leave a child on their own, i'll let it slide only this time. But you better find them" he said crossing his arms and looking at the two with a dissapointed face.

Milk Cookie nodded nervously to which Purple Yam just snickered and looked away, Milk realized Purple Yam was making fun of him and pouted.


Aaannnnddddd, I have re-posted it to "Rip Tide's Trident" :D

Peace ✌

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