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Mina's pov

" Hello, kid.. what are you doing? " I called her right away after I had finished my meeting because her voice is all I need to recharge my energy right now. Since it is Saturday, I thought she must be at home but I hear some car honk noises from her side when she picked up my call.

" I'm outside now. What do you want? " As far as I know, she doesn't have any part-time job in this evening. Is she on a date? But I'm here. With whom, is she on a date when her belonging is sitting here, worn out.

" Are you alone or with your friends? Where are you? " Before she answers, I heard someone call her out and I know it is voice of neither Dahyun nor Tzuyu. It is like a middle-aged woman's voice. Who the hell is with her right now?

" I'm not alone, don't worry, Mina. Imma hang up if that's all you want to know. " Was my frustrated voice too obvious that she pointed out?

" No..no, kid! Wait. Tell me where are you exactly, I'm coming now " I stand up and pick up my coat immediately. I did not know I have so much energy left even after endless meetings. I walk towards my secretary, Jeongyeon.

" Jeongyeon ssi, please tell my Dad to postpone our personal meeting. I'll check my schedule again tonight. I gotta go somewhere now. " I said while wearing my coat in a rush and she nodded without a question. She did not become my secretary for no reason.

" Hey! are you listening to me? I asked why are you coming?! " She roared through the phone.

" Hello.. sorry, kid. Just because I want to see you so bad all of sudden. So, send me your location now " Then I hang up, not allowing any complain from her.

Chaeyoung's pov

What's with Mina again? So, out of blue. I send her Moonbyul unnie's bar location anyway. I'm currently with Moonbyul at her bar named ' Moonstar' which is a strong competitor of Boo. She is a owner and also a main bartender who has created many new drinks. And that is also the main reason why her bar is unique although it is not as big as Boo. I knew her because before I got job at Boo. I applied the bartender position at Moonstar first and also I was interviewed by her but unfortunately, I did not pass because I was lack of experience.

" Do you wanna try some drinks? " She asked as she sits down next to me at the bar.

" No, unnie. I'll just have soft drink. " I replied and she asked the manager whose name tag says " Wheein " to give me coke and beer for her.

" What a shame.. you came all the way here to drink coke. I even prepared to show off my skills in front of you. " Moonbyul said while pouring coke into the glass with ice cubes for me. My eagle eyes couldn't unsee the mint leaves frozen inside the ice cubes. Only if I could add rum and lime, it would be so refreshing to drink Coke Mojito with this weather. But still..

" I think I'll be in trouble if I drink today. " At the rate of her tone I heard on call, I cannot tell how many days it will take her to nag around if she sees me drinking with another handsome woman.

" So.. what do you think? I mean.. my bar. " She has not changed, she is still the straightforward woman who asked me if I had any work experience in bar before asking my name back then.

" I think that's silly. Silly of you.. to sell your bar to a bartender like me. " Moonbyul smiles and turns around her head from facing the younger.

" I know right? I'm silly but when I tasted your cocktail, I knew I have found the right one to hand my bar. I love this bar more than you think, Chaeyoung ssi because this is everything I have. This bar is basically my youth. When I decided to follow my dream, I got nothing but my passion.. and someone special who never left my side and supported me in every thick and thin situation... I was selfish. I never considered her feelings. I didn't see her importance in my life until she left me alone with this bar. " She said, trying hard to prevent voice-crack out of sadness but her eyes do not lie how long has she been holding this pain.

" After she has gone, I realized I love her more than this bar. I need to find her and apologize on my knees. " She continued and finished her beer in one breath. I patted her back to comfort her.

" What about you? Girlfriend or boyfriend? It doesn't matter but don't be stupid like me. " I smile and nodded, my hand is still on her shoulder.

" Kid! " I did not need to look back. I leaned closer to Moonbyul unnie and whispered.

" There she is " Moonbyul unnie smirks and takes a glance at Mina over my shoulders. Now she knows the reason of me, refusing to have a drink from a living legend.


" Kid.. Why did you drag me out of the bar? And who is she? Why didn't you let me talk to her? What was you whispering? Do you really need to be that close to speak? "

This woman is being so noisy and doesn't let me walk by blocking in front of me but I will forgive her this time since she is a little cute when she gets jealous and turns into a talkative penguin suddenly.

" Let's get into the car first. It's so hot out here, Mina.. "

I knew it. I knew she will nag me non-stop after seeing me with Moonbyul like this. I can't imagine how she will react if she saw me drinking with her too. I did not answer her any questions on the way and it makes her frustrated even more. That is my little revenge for keeping in touch with Hwasa although she has already explained that there is literally nothing between them now and promised me not to do so next time. And I hope there will not be next time.

" Please, look forwards.. you're driving, Mina. I want to live longer and meet Moonbyul unnie a few more times as well. " I said and internally dying to witness I made Mina sulky and shut up at the same time.

" I thought people in 30s don't get sulky over a kid. " She then glares at me before she turns forwards again which makes me burst out laughing.

" Don't laugh! "

" No.. I mean "

" Don't talk to me! "

" Seriously? "

" I hate you, Chaeng "

" Really? "

" Chaeng! "

" Okay, okay. Imma zip my mouth "

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