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Shivaay had a hard time sleeping. He couldn't believe he ACTUALLY kissed Anika , well pecked would be the correct word, but nonetheless they moved ahead a little, didn't they ? The feel of her soft plump cheeks refused to leave his senses till wee hours of the morning, and his eyes refused to sleep. He kept staring at the ceiling till long, thinking about the beautiful girl sleeping downstairs, wanting to go into her room and and hug her and kiss her like there was no tomorrow. But he reigned in his desires and made do with the feel and smell of her, that his mind has imprinted on itself in the brief second when he kissed her . Oh ! she is so delectable, and she is HIS . She herself said he has right to get upset with her. He has RIGHT over her. The territorial man inside him was content beyond measure with this declaration. And he had earned it, did she not say that ? THAT was the cherry on the top . He turned and hugged the pillow, smiling contently.

Next morning Shivaay woke up late ,  was very late by the time he got ready for the office . The clock was chiming 9 o'clock n. He rushed to the breakfast table smirking, not wanting to wait to see her reaction about last night . But to his surprise, there was no one the table when he arrived. He at least expected to see her waiting for him at breakfast like usual if nothing else. Anika must be in the kitchen, he consoled himself as he sat down to eat . But when servant came and served him his food, he got alarmed .

SHIVAAY : 'Where is Anika Madam ?

 he asked the servent .

SERVENT : 'Sahab, she is in her room

 he replied .

Shivaay nodded grimly . This was the first time after her arrival in Oberoi Mansion that she was not at the breakfast table . Is she avoiding him ? His good mood crashed down instantly . Its the kiss ... yup it's that kiss . She is avoiding him because of IT . Of course . She did not like it, and is awkward enough to avoid him now . How could she interpret something so beautiful so negatively ? Who the hell said women have a sixth sense for all this stuff ? HIS woman surely does not possess any such thing . DAMN . What to do now ? Are they back to where they started off from ?

With a gaping hole in his heart, a dead appetite and helpless anger , Shivaay stood up to leave for office. 

SHIVAAY (self thought) : 'Should I talk to her ?

 he turned looking at the closed door of her room. 

SHIVAAY (self thought) :   'But what will I say ? ... Sorry I kissed you. It will not happen again' he deliberated .

Even after standing there for five minutes he could not find it in himself to mock his feelings this blatantly. He was NOT sorry about the kiss and he was definitely not going to promise a non-repetition. With anger simmering in the depth of his heart he made his way to the door. If she wants to avoid him, then guess what, he'll help her by not coming in front of her himself. She can't flip like this, one day he has rights over her, next day he is not worth even a good morning . And all for what? Just a FUC**** peck , not even a PROPER kiss !

As he reached the front door, he saw Savita (kids baby sitter) coming inside carrying a bawling Adit in her arms . He took the baby from her and asked what happened .

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