Imagine Thomas (Sangster) When He Has The Hiccups

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You heard a strange noise next to you. Again and again it happened until you realized it was Thomas hiccuping beside you. You looked over towards him and saw he was obviously frustrated. "They (hiccups) won't stop." Thomas said, angrily as he kept looking from his computer screen to you. "They won't let you focus?" You inquired, striving not to laugh. Thomas furrowed his eyebrows and huffed, closing his computer and placing it gently on the coffee table. You pecked his cheek and sighed. "They'll go away today, I promise." You said, smirking. Thomas looked at you strangely, sensing possibly a devious plan had planted itself within your brain.
A few hours later Thomas stood in the kitchen making lunch for himself. Hiccups still coming now and then, still frustrating him tremendously. You crept behind him and jumped onto his back yelling. Thomas' scream reached higher notes than you could have thought his voice would succeed at hitting. You jumped from his back and watched as he leaned against the counter, his chest heaving rapidly. "What was that?" Thomas inquired, somewhat annoyed. "Getting rid of your hiccups!" You said, unable to stop the smile that had plastered itself on your face. Thomas stood silently for a couple of seconds, then smiled. "Thank you, love." Thomas said, coming to you and placing a kiss on your cheek.

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